How to upload "local" server to Oracle VM server?

I've been self-hosting a server for a couple of friends on my desktop, but I've now set up an oracle vm for a server. How can I transfer all the info (world state, settings, player info etc) to the oracle server?
11 Replies
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Requested by thehof123#0
Have a look on YT I imagine this is something common, it would just be a case of transplanting the world files onto the set up server When I say world files I mean all the files unique to your server, so player files etc
Emryn 💜 🏳⚧
so everything in the server folder? panel software? ohh okay - I've not got that - I've just got a CLI
Emryn 💜 🏳⚧
ah okay
Emryn 💜 🏳⚧
Sorry - when using WinSCP to connect the two, what should i put in the proxy username box?
No description
Emryn 💜 🏳⚧
this worked - thank you 🙂 Hopefully last thing - how do i run the .bat file from the vm? (tried $ start.bat, but that didn't work)
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Linux uses sh files. Not bat files
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Minecraft Wiki
Setting up a server
This tutorial takes you through the steps of setting up your own Java Edition server using the default server software that Mojang Studios distributes free of charge. The software may be installed...
Emryn 💜 🏳⚧
ahh thanks! Thank you so much for your help - everything is working 🙂

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