tiny server for just friends - working on local, not discoverable
I have a small server made up, port forwarding is on, my network settings are set to private so it's discoverable, but I can't seem to get it publicly accessible. I can connect using my PC's IPv4, but not using my machine's local address (found by googling "what's my ip"). How do I get it publicly accessible?
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Requested by sparkypi#0
I've tried creating a new rule for my firewall as recommended online to open the 25565 port - didn't work
I've turned the server off and on again more times than I can count, never changed a thing
I've changed the portforwarding settings to include all ports, and both TCP & UDP, didn't work
Wait which ip can't u join
The one from. What is my ip?
I can join localhost, can't connect to the one found using what's my ip on google
That's normal
You can't do that unless ur router supports hairpin nat
hairpin nat?
Try and connect from another pc on another network
friend can't connect either, no
did not
I'll look through this, then get back to you. Thanks!
I think I suffer from cgnat.. 😛
What i did was go on my router website, go in port forwading section and add new port forwarding thing:
To forward port 25565 for your Minecraft server, you will need to fill in the following fields:
Enable: Check this box to enable port forwarding.
Protocol: Select "TCP" as the protocol for your Minecraft server.
WAN Host Start IP Address: Enter the starting IP address of the range of IP addresses that you want to allow to connect to your Minecraft server. If you want to allow any IP address to connect, you can leave this field blank.
WAN Host End IP Address: Enter the ending IP address of the range of IP addresses that you want to allow to connect to your Minecraft server. If you want to allow any IP address to connect, you can leave this field blank.
WAN Connection: Select the WAN connection that you want to use for your Minecraft server.
WAN Start Port: Enter "25565" as the starting port for your Minecraft server.
WAN End Port: Enter "25565" as the ending port for your Minecraft server.
Enable MAC Mapping: Leave this unchecked unless you need to map a specific MAC address to your Minecraft server.
LAN Host IP Address: Enter the IP address of your host machine where the Minecraft server is running. In your case, it is "".
LAN Host Start Port: Enter "25565" as the starting port for your Minecraft server.
LAN Host End Port: Enter "25565" as the ending port for your Minecraft server.
After you have filled in these fields, save the changes and your Minecraft server should now be accessible to other players over the internet.
I asked chatgpt for informations about fields, i filled it correctly as it said and it worked
can you check that information you entered is correct
Could also just do a quick cgnat test to rule that out
how do you test that
We may have bad news for you :C
Open your router's configuration interface. Somewhere you'll see something like 'external' or 'public' IP.
If your external IP is in one of the following ranges, you're basically screwed as long as portforwards go:
- any IPv6 address/range - This shouldn't be a problem, but Minecraft's IPv6 support is still rather quirky. You're at your own but we're happy if you share your experience.
You should ask your ISP for a public and IPv4 address (but this may cost you money).
NB: your internal IP should and most probably will be in one of the first three ranges, don't mix them up
Admincraft Canned Responses
does "WAN IP" count?
'cause that's what I checked, and it's a 192
If it says Wan on router then yeah that counts iirc
@Señor Leche can confirm
Maybe you entered things in fields incorrectly
Send a screen shot to confirm? Feel free to censor last 2 numbers
suddenly my router is struggling for some reason, standby...
it worked fine like 30 seconds ago, wtf...

And so coming from the coax cable/dsl/fiber cable out of the wall
This is the first device in the chain?
I believe so?
this is on wifi
connected to the router
this is the router saying my wan ip is 192...
Is your wifi controlled by another device? Or your router?
I believe the router, is there a way to check?
What's the name of the device or model number of the device you're logged into?
rog rapture gt-ax11000
I've never seen an ISP use Asus routers.
It's possible you put yourself under CGNat, IE there's another router that's giving internet to your router
oh dear goodness, that sounds both terrible and exactly like something the person in charge would do XD
I'll ask real quick
Do you have physical access to the rog box?
yeah, I can go look

Should look like that
The second ethernet port on the left hand side, the one with the world logo.
Check to see if there's another router on the other side of that.
Holy that's a beast of a router design
Yeah it's like a $400 router, it's incredibly overkill for most people.
Also looks kinda ridicolus
so network admin just said to do a tracert, it looks like we go through our isp before the ip's become public, but I'll still check what you're talking about with our in-house physical devices
Is there 2 hops in the tracert
Yeah check for physical devices first
Most people bad at reading tracert results, not saying your net admin is but it's good to be safe.
I'm the one reading it XD I'll admit I'm only half skilled at this stuff
Much easier to grab a cable and not let go, trace the length of it
I think it goes in the basement XD
would a modem be what you're looking for?
Some modems are also routers.
So maybe.
If your modem is also a router, and isn't setup in route mode, you CGNat'd yourself
What leads me to believe that to be the case?
ISPs should NEVER use 192.168 as their CGNat range. is reserved for CGNat.
would any of these numbers be the correct one?

Where are you seeing that? Doesn't look like any Asus page to me
it's the modem
I believe this is our connection to the outside world
Mind sending a full page screen shot? Feel free to censor the last 2 of the IP and gateway (everything else is fine to keep)
you mean these?

rest of the page seems like sensitive info
That looks like a valid public IP
Eh, I would have deleted if anything truly sensitive
but it wouldn't be port forwarded through those ports?
So, do you have any port forward pages on that router?
Looks like your modem is also a router.
So it looks like you CGNat'd yourself.
Unlike real CGNat
We can work around this.
it's in-house, so we just need the modem's stuff, right?
I don't have credentials for it atm, have to wait for owner to get back
As long as you have a page that you can setup port forward rules
Basically what you'll end up having to do
Is port forward from this machine to your WAN IP of the Asus router.
From the Asus router you can port forward as normal to your pc.
This is why it's called Double NAT sometimes.
I mean, idk how the rest of your topology is setup. So I don't know if you're the only router attached to your ISP modem/router or not.
If you were, I'd be able to help walk you through setting up route mode so you only need to port forward once.
you mean to make it a gate? I don't want to change settings like that, if the double port-forwarding doesn't work, my friend just now volunteered to host for me
so thank you very much, I'll check the modem settings, but otherwise I think that's about as far as I'm willing to mess with this system. Anything else would be up to our network owner, and I'm not gonna go that far to play MC with friends XD
That's fair, you could copy and paste the latter half of this conversation to your network guy and he'd be able to do it pretty easily
if he can remember the credentials either XD
so tyvm, I'll consider this case closed
@Señor Leche I don't know if you can see this but it worked! Thank you! 🎉
Pog! Glad it helped!
oh shoot I think I reopened the thread, sorry 😅
No worries L
post closed!
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Requested by discount_milk#0