I am having a problem opening my Minecraft up to LAN
So me and my girlfriend are just trying to play a modpack and we both have all the same mods same minecraft version and everything but she is only able to join my world for like 2 seconds before it kicks her and my computer which has a ethernet cable plugged in so does hers just disconnects and wont go online it acts like my ethernet cable isnt even plugged into my router
this is what the logs on the modpack say i dont understand a lick of this at all

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Requested by berryrainy#0
ive tried using the minecraft open to LAN option and i have tried a command /publish true survival 25565 to insure i was using the same port for port forwarding on my router but still no luck
who’s pc is it running on
its running on my pc
are you able to connect with localhost
so im launching it inside the game i dont have a like seprate server file as im not that tech savy would that fix my problem tho?
you are running a single player open to lan server?
what modpack
its BigChadGuys Plus (w Cobblemon) with a couple extra mods i added that were cobblemon related
ok it might not work then. BCG+ uses a mod that lets you host outside your home network. and typically its not safe to host big modpacks in singleplayer lan
what are your pc specs? id assume its decent to run a single lan to your gf
its a i5-13600k 3060ti and 32gb ram
you can run a Actual local server and have it open to lan automatically
ill teach you how
its far safer and actually way nicer then single player lan
okay i would love that 😭
okay cool i just didnt know how to do that i knew it was a option but yeah haha
first question, do you have java installed?
if you dont know open command prompt and run this
yes i do
java –version
i want to double check that anyways, so run the command and show what comes out
Error: Could not find or load main class ?version
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ?version
im less sure
oh bruh
fuck you google
java --version
just type it in
double dashes
java 2022-08-18
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build, mixed mode, sharing)
step 2 download the server pack from curseforge (its typically when you press the version, then files for the server pack) but heres the link
BigChadGuys Plus (w/ Cobblemon!)
Stardew Valley meets Pokémon! Prepare for a cozy adventure with built-in shaders, multiplayer, quests, recipes, and more!
1.2M Downloads | Modpacks
ill do this with you to not confuse you and i
okay sounds good
when it downloads unzip it and move it to the desktop
then enter its folder from the desktop and launch the Start file

then let its do its thing downloading stuff and working to launch
you will also need to add the custom mods you added to your client to join. BUT there are mods that are CLIENT ONLY so cannot be added to servers
okay i understand that part the mods i added should be on the server they dont say they are client side
they should be client+server mods
mods that need be on both
you can type the word list inside of the cmd that the server pack opened and if it says something like this
[Server thread/INFO]: There are 0 of a max of 20 players online:
then the server is started
you can join the server with localhost as the ip
while ur gf when connected to the router can connect via the IPV4 of your pc
to check what it is, go to cmd and type ipconfig then the ipv4 address
what if the mods dont say server or server and client do i add those as well
like what mod?
like JEI
that belongs in the server
okay cool
wait doesnt BCG+ have rei or something?
ah it has EMI
dont add jei
emi is better 😛
okay cool
i will remove that
okay i think i have moved over the mods to the server side
or copied them over
if it doesnt work itll crash so dw
haha okay
its not a bad thing as it means somethings wrong
okay i started it and its loading up
i forgot like two mods so i restarted it haha
when you are saving the server you need to do the command stop
okay cool
also i think it worked?
and the command will auto stop the server too when its all done
how do i check
check what
if it worked
try to join the server
whats the address
for you its localhost
okay and what is it for her?
ur pc's ipv4
i have joined it works
open cmd, type ipconfig, find ipv4 address
and thats the one
okay so just my ip thats it no port number
yep just ip
sorry caps
it hasnt imploded yet so thank you so much
itll also be smoother for you and her
hell yeah!
thank you good perosn