Recommended or best tunneling services for Minecraft? like ngrok or playit

I've always been interested in this side of networking, and I've never found a sort of definite tunneling list besides the awesome tunneling list which is not specifically geared for Minecraft.
20 Replies
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Requested by caiknoritori#0
ProGamingDk13mo ago
ngrok isnt made for mc soo and very much isnt great for any big amount of players as it has a 1 gb bandwidth limit is quick to setup, but has had networking issues for some
Caik Nori Tori
Caik Nori ToriOP13mo ago
wait, ngrok has a bandwith limit?
ProGamingDk13mo ago
Caik Nori Tori
Caik Nori ToriOP13mo ago
always thought it had none
mallusrgreat13mo ago
what about cloudflare tunnel?
ProGamingDk13mo ago
No description
ProGamingDk13mo ago
requires all users to download cloudflared etc
Caik Nori Tori
Caik Nori ToriOP13mo ago
only seen those in the US regions, but for me I live in Asia so I don't really get those problems
mallusrgreat13mo ago
well then, what's stopping you from using
Caik Nori Tori
Caik Nori ToriOP13mo ago
playit does have a couple of downtimes, though its quite good for what it's trying to do i just like to look for alternatives just incase
ProGamingDk13mo ago
can always get a external host and use velocity
mallusrgreat13mo ago
but i highly recommend getting a vps like oracle cloud or buying mc server hosting from #marketplace
CheeseNachos13mo ago
Vouch this. I'm also looking at something I can selft host.
ProGamingDk13mo ago
although selfhosting has multiple issues
Caik Nori Tori
Caik Nori ToriOP13mo ago
ill try to get a vps later, since right now I'm not trying to do smth like that yet selfhosting does have issues like security and etc but it's a good option for smaller servers
ProGamingDk13mo ago
if just hosting mc, getting a vps is not a great idea eh at smaller servers imo its even more pointless you can get away with paying like 6 bucks a month to host a small server also if you need the tunnel to hide ip, and dont need bedrock, you can use tcpshield free tier
Caik Nori Tori
Caik Nori ToriOP13mo ago
though, for my friends here in Asia and etc we don't really spend money online so we try to pretty much do everything for free plus, currencies can get quite wonky
Jenkins13mo ago
Cloudflare tunnel is very good for private servers It uses the same infastructure as Cloudflare Spectrum @caiknoritori Yes, every player will have to install cloudflared But that's just a downside that you can't prevent But I can assure you cloudflare has the lowest latency of them all since they have servers everywhere
bolter3mo ago
Hey, have you found a solution? Because I have the same problem. The is good but 200+ ping is wild

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