14 Replies
what are you trying to install
Im trying to install a custom modpack a friend made.
youd wanna ask discord.gg/helpchat
dont really see how helpchat would help unless you mean to hire someone to fix it
you need to switch your java version to 17
issue is unix_args doesnt exist
it was probably a while to help so thought helchat would be better
you get that error when you try to run a modern forge server on java 8
yes but also because it’s missing as well :sheephype:
no, java 8 can't interpret the @something.txt syntax for loading arguments
try to run a 1.20 forge server on java 8 if you don't believe me
if you ran
java @something.txt
and the file didn't exist, you'd get
Error: could not open 'something.txt'
oh damn ok
yeah, the error is really dumb, I've just seen it a few times in the past 😅
ty for le info