Help With Vultr Minecraft Console.
Hi, I recently setup a minecraft spigot server on Vultr hosting and I am having some troubles accessing the server console. In the Docs it mentions to access the console you use the command
minecraft console
however this is the result of it. PS: I have tried the vultr console and tried ssh and screen -R.6 Replies
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Requested by __fil#0
dont use spigot
dont use vultur for mc.
vultr has horrible hardware for mc, and is extremely expensive
what docs btw?
got free $200 hosting
@Fil if ur gonan use vultr then its as simple as:
1. downloading your mc server jar
2. create a eula.txt file with eula=true in it
3. running java -jar server.jar to start server
4. stop server to edit configs
5. start server whenever you want to
oh yeah using screen package to keep it running in background or when you close terminal
Okay I’ll try this