Should I spent 97 Euros at Project Orion ?

I'm always wanted to have a moderate Java development skills but never passed the "beginner" term in my head Just found this project and thay charge 97 euros LIFETIME for a "more than a course" experience Is that worth it or nah ?
89 Replies
Loudbook2mo ago
AretzeraOP2mo ago
lol thats quick but why tho
Loudbook2mo ago
because you can learn with youtube and stack overflow just as quickly and efficiently i am entirely self taught with zero dollars spent in order to actually get yourself to learn you have to have a project you want to do something you actually will enjoy then you'll make it, really shitt-ily and then you'll rewrite it and then you'll realize that rewrite is shit and eventually you'll get to a place where your code quality is actually good what even is project orion i've never heard of it and google isn't helping
AretzeraOP2mo ago here's a link if you want but I would want to learn Java without worrying to much about my undiagnose ADHD and any other mental illness(lol), having a teacher is better for me than doing research on myself personally
How To Make Minecraft Plugins - A Complete Tutorial (2023)
Make plugins for Bukkit, Spigot and Paper with our 20-day tutorial. Including minigames, custom monsters, particles, NMS and so much more!
Loudbook2mo ago
Well you definitely shouldn't follow a course dedicated to Minecraft for starters Once you learn Java you know how to use every API ever with just 10 minutes of reading it's documentation If you learn the Spigot API, depending on how they teach it, that may be it
Loudbook2mo ago
also I have no idea what these two things have to do with each other
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Loudbook2mo ago
this is a mess
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Loudbook2mo ago
Oh my god this page goes on forever
Loudbook2mo ago
stock photo???
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AretzeraOP2mo ago
Bro described his life on a minecraft development website Seems legit tho lol
codertommy2mo ago
No the guys kinda insane if you read the website
AretzeraOP2mo ago
Yeah he basically interpreted his life thru his website
codertommy2mo ago
Loudbook2mo ago
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Loudbook2mo ago
the TM really don't like this
Loudbook2mo ago
tf is this static abuse 😢
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Loudbook2mo ago
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Loudbook2mo ago
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Loudbook2mo ago
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Cooleg2mo ago
honestly not sure if this is really static abuse its just dumb
Loudbook2mo ago
when functional java developer certificate
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Loudbook2mo ago
these don't line up
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Cooleg2mo ago
excessive use of utils for seemingly every little thing not shocking considering they seem to be basing their entire course on the idea that people will use their foundation thing though
AretzeraOP2mo ago
oof so it just really not worth it
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
you missed the part above it
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Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
they make you use a bespoke framework
GitHub - kangarko/Foundation: Foundation™ helps you create highly c...
Foundation™ helps you create highly customized Minecraft plugins (based on Spigot/Paper API) that support multiple MC versions. - kangarko/Foundation
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
obviously, we always need a plugin to have a hardcoded list that includes the plural for torpedo in every plugin we make
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codertommy2mo ago
not just foundation but Foundation™️ this guys gonna invent @Trademark or smth to allow you to put ™️ after every class name
Loudbook2mo ago
well he doesn't own the trademark obv
Litning112mo ago
brb putting ™️ in all my code to keep it safe from copyright public boolean code™️ if (codetrademark == true) return true else; call police who needs licensing with this simple check :sunglas:
codertommy2mo ago
public class Main™️ {
public static void main™(String[] args) {
// do something™️
public class Main™️ {
public static void main™(String[] args) {
// do something™️
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
pretty sure apple beat him to it… (since ios2/macos 10.0; released in 2001)
Apple Developer Documentation
Foundation | Apple Developer Documentation
Access essential data types, collections, and operating-system services to define the base layer of functionality for your app.
codertommy2mo ago
rip bozo nvm these Apple randos didnt put ™️ so it does not count
Cooleg2mo ago
maybe he tradmarked Foundation™️ so its actually Foundation™️™️
Miteigi2mo ago
del nhé e tự học trong 1 ngày là đủ 👍
AretzeraOP2mo ago
Thanks for the Vietnamese I guess
Miteigi2mo ago
Jenkins2mo ago
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Jenkins2mo ago
well... what.
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
I just realized that he doesn't even preload images on that site so you just scroll down and images just randomly pop in
Jenkins2mo ago
i'm genuinely curious how javascript anti-piracy works the wording and the design of that site is a mess, i'm not even gonna mention that
Jenkins2mo ago
i genuinely wish any of these meant anything man 😭
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
I love how the website yesterday had a discount that expired in 24 hours and today there's a discount that expires in 2 days
Jenkins2mo ago
is that not great you're getting a very good deal clearly because there is a discount
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
@Jenkins Did you see this testimonial?
Matej (kangarko)
NMS tablist Minecraft plugin preview — Mikolaj got a web developmen...
Click here for full Minecraft plugin tutorial with NMS: Mikolaj shows his NMS tablist MInecraft plugin he made. The plugin contains advanced NMS Minecraft plugin features such as per-player header and footer ...
Exos2mo ago
it’s been on a constant discount for the past year or something
Dawson2mo ago
no get learnspigot for 9.99 by asking in their discord or watch kody simpson for free on youtube it's horrendous matej (the one who teaches the course) is banned from spigotmc, hated by basically everyone, and the course locks you using their framework foundation preventing you from being able to make real projects without it
Naeso2mo ago
Im late to the party but Im a professional dev working as a dev in a pretty important medical company for my country and all learned 98% of the shit I know by myself. And I have ADHD, Autism, and other handicaps (all medically diagnosed). You don't need overpriced courses for programming. If you want to be good at programming, courses will only get you so far. You need curiosity and will to learn and relearn every day. It's not a set knowledge. Go check any Java tutorial on YT. You will learn if you stick to them and try out things for yourself
Isn't this course from the guy who was banned from spigotmc?
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
yes banned for a 645 word advertisement in the resource update section for chat control afaik the advertisement was for his plugin development course
Found the post, apparently it was on multiple occasions:
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codertommy2mo ago
install a program on the host machine that bricks their intellij
Loudbook2mo ago
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Dawson2mo ago
Loudbook2mo ago
"The only way to become a DEV on my server" a DEV what does DEV stand for
Loudbook2mo ago
there is no way that's $90
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codertommy2mo ago
wait i thought that was included ig they are just scamming people
Torrent2mo ago
Diversity Equity and V-bucks
Dawson2mo ago
if that’s 90 dollars i have 40k in intellij keys 😭 it is, they’re trying to justify the cost of project orion
codertommy2mo ago
Dawson2mo ago
i want to know why project orion got 4 month keys and learnspigot got 6 month keys though even jetbrains thinks you should go with other solutions
Casper2mo ago
Hey quick thing Project Orion is kinda dookie What id recommend instead is... Basically an everything you need to know course @Aretzera
Dawson2mo ago
🔥 🔥 🔥 Couldn't recommend enough, that's how I learnt. Ask in their discord for a discount code (9.99) to bypass udemy's absurd pricing strategies Technically, I am biased as the creator is my business partner, but I would recommend it regardless. Make sure to join the discord, it's super helpful with basically any issue you have
Loudbook2mo ago
doesn't seem too bad
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Dawson2mo ago
Yea not bad but will completely change across devices I've heard of someone buying it for 150 USD
Loudbook2mo ago
tf lmao what the hell it's $15 on my phone that's hilarious and $14 on my ipad
Loudbook2mo ago
literally 3 different prices
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Dawson2mo ago There we go, forgot about that
AretzeraOP2mo ago
@Loudbook clicked the link and got like 12-14$ while I clicked and got ~70$ when changing the currency lol
Casper2mo ago
Just look it up on udemy yourself It's all the same
AretzeraOP2mo ago
I will try yours and see what happen Thanks for the recommendation :>
AretzeraOP2mo ago
hope my purchase won't go to waste
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Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
would be £110 over here
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Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
with that being said, I only pay for idea and am paying like $6.50/mo
Dawson2mo ago ah you already purchased alright, good luck. it’s a very good course that you just bought
Exos2mo ago
I’d say the only “real” advantage to these courses is that there are 2 zoom calls per week with Matej where he can help you with your plugin if your code isn’t working and the 4 month JetBrains subscription. But I really don’t think it’s worth the price
Dawson2mo ago
1. Help channel in learnspigot is going to be a great resource, some of the most helpful people I've met 2. Learnspigot is 1/10th the price and comes with a 6 month key I've gotten help within 30 seconds of my post opening, legendary staff over there. Obviously that's not 100% of the time but it's not infrequent to have instant responses
Exos2mo ago
Damn, when i’ve got some more free time I’ll check out Learnspigot
Dawson2mo ago
(you can get another key if you ask nicely) Highly recommend it over project orion. Either go the learnspigot route for 9.99 or go the free route with kody simpson on youtube There's nothing wrong with the free route, Kody is a great guy
Loudbook2mo ago
kody is a terrible person but his videos are fine so don't give him any ad revenue
Exos2mo ago
I don’t give youtubers ad revenue, I don’t want to be forced to give people money if they don’t deserve it. I’d much rather buy through affiliate links, buy merch, donate on stream, etc…
Loudbook2mo ago
most of them deserve it kody does not
Dawson2mo ago
How so? did he do something wrong
Loudbook2mo ago
He's a right winged homophobe Who is overall a jerk of a person
Dawson2mo ago
huh interesting, never knew that. I've never talked to him much but everything about him I've heard has been pretty positive good to know
Cooleg2mo ago
i feel like u should probably be adding "oh im part of the organization that this course is part of" to all these messages tbf ive heard good things about the course in the past but saying it once and including the word "technically" is a bit silly when the first thing in your about me is a website for which LearnSpigot is the first linked product like its a good course from what ive heard but "technically" is pulling a lot of weight there
ProGamingDk2mo ago
his entire host was also designed for users of learnspigot iirc
Dawson2mo ago
I'm not a part of LS anymore And the statements I said are unbiased imo. I do truly believe what I said and I stand behind it. I do see where you're coming from though and I will make sure to specify it more in the future To start out, yes

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