Does Matrix Anti Cheat have checks against Aimassist, autoclicker, ClickAimAssist?

They say that they have, but I asked my friend to let me test it, since i want to use this anti cheat, but I did not flag for AimAssist, ClickAimAssist or AutoClicker even though i used them, and I used them pretty blatlantly. Can someone review this ac for me? Especially the checks I am concerned about? Any help is appreciated.
6 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta8mo ago
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NieGestorben8mo ago
Matrix is not that great really. Aim Assist and Auto Clicker is generally hard to detect but iirc Matrix's ac and aim checks are mediocre. Polar is currently the best altho expensive. Vulcan + Grim is also not that bad. Karhu might also be an option but i don't know if its still being maintained.
Lunaiskey7mo ago
autoclicker detection works by checking the click packets, checking to see if they are consistently coming through in the same amount of time but its kinda sketch with how minecraft needs to sync every 50ms also you can just defeat this detection method just buy randomizing the ms per click basically, detecting autoclicking is not fun
Jenkins7mo ago
there are a lot more methods this is the simplest way of detecting it
Lunaiskey7mo ago
yeah i assumed there would be more complex ways to detect it, was just what i could figure out off the top of my head
NieGestorben7mo ago
Basically lots of statistical analysis

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