bedrock server info on server selection page
Hey all,
I am trying to host a server for me, my brother, and a couple nieces and nephews. I have tried windows, ubuntu, and MineOS as a host for bedrock server
I have been able to access all the servers via, Local IP and port, my routers public IP and port, and through cloudflare DNS and Nginx Proxy Manager.
My problem is that half of the time, the server doesn't show up on the "Friends" tab when on a local network, and connecting to anything but the local IP on the "Servers" tab doesn't give me polling data about the server.
Private IP 192.168.X.X:19132 - Online 0/10 - Ping 1
Public IP XX.XX.XX.XX - Locating...
CF DNS - Locating...
However, I can connect to all of them regardless of it saying "Locating..." Has anyone else experienced this/have a fix to it? Thanks in adavance!
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Requested by ponchoguy42#0
are u using a domain?
are you all on the same network*
Yes. I have a FQDN that I own.
And currently testing all locally before spreading to the rest of the family
alright so a few things that can have gone wrong here
is cloudflare A record set to Proxy
it is set to DNS record only and is pointed at my public IP.
alright so the reason u cant connect to it on your pc is probably because of hairpin nat/loopback nat
try another device thats outside your home network
or use
So. the interesting thing, is that I can connect to it across local, public IP and CloudFlare DNS, I just can't see any of the server info on the page
I've also been able to connect to it using my phone
and at my fiances house
mcsrvstat pulled all of the correct information
tell them to manually add ur server ? look up what ur public ip is and give it to them
otherwise I don't understand what you mean
it's not gonna show up in friends tab
cause it's a dedicated server
cause like u can't add a server as a friend?
or I don't reallt know whay you mean
in the "friends" tab it will show you local servers that appear on you LAN. Example, someone playing a local game that they open up to LAN. Or a local dedicated server
My issues is directly related not getting ping information or amount of people on the server on the "servers" page.
what software are u using for server
As listed in the post, I haven't been able to get that specific feature to work correctly on windows, Ubuntu, and MineOS
it doesnt answer my question
No. it is the vanilla Bedrock server from the minecraft website.
and shows that it can see all of the relevant information. but bedrock minecraft cannot see that information.
is this what you mean
cause I just did thr same as yours
and its working fine?
or am I still misunderstanding?
That is one of the pages I'm talking about. I can see everything that I need to there. its on the "Servers" page, if I put in my public IP I cannot see Ping or Player count in the servers page.
you cant do it yourself
someone externally has to check
If i put local IP in on the servers page. I can see those stats. But the moment I try to put it to my public IP i can't see that info
you cant use ur own public ip
to connect
wrong. I can, and have
only external users can
@ProGamingDK ?
but I get the same result on my phone not connected to wifi or VPN
it says locating server
that's it right ?
but i can connect and play
yep same thing
give me ur public ip
I'll check on my end
I think this is normal behavior
they said this everywhere here
i'll pm you.
I just allowed dms
yeah so
you cant use your own public ip to connect
this is normal behavior
that seems like a stupid "feature"
if your router doesnt support Hairpin nat/loopback nat then it wont allow u if ur on the same network,
but only if
but also, like why can I connect using public IP and port and play, but I don't get the info
because loopback nat
probably doesn't exist for u
are u on about
sorry I just woke up
I cant think straigjt
if it was loopback nat that was the problem he wouldnt even be able to connect
that's true
best guess, bedrock bug
I did the same thing as him and same problem
poet forward and everything
just use Lan ip for all local devices
ok. so i can stop pulling my hair out. and just send it.
I've already marked this as solved.