placeholder isn't showing up
I'm using %player_name% or %cmi_user_display_name% to display the name beside the prefix and it won't show up anyway how to fix ti?

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Requested by itsmerioooo#0
maybe the papi extension for cmi or player is not installed?
installed I'm using it on my playtime
if it wasn't installed
it wouldnt show
like I mean it will show this %cmi_user_display_name%
what plugin are you using to edit the nametag?
im using citizens plugin
so this is an NPC you are talking about?

how do I link it though?
I want it like to make it so when the player is looking at it there name shows
tbh I just hide npc name and make a floating message, what was that plugin called?
citizens wiki is absolutely useless and honestly i cant think of a way without doing packet trickery to achieve this
yeah I just used holograms and centered text xD
I remember
my friend told me about that too lol
lemme try
how do you hide npc name?
I believe it was /npc toggle
unknown command xd
or /npc name
nice worked thanks
Btw can I ask here about the deluxemenus thingy? how to add the name-tab complete because it's a working command it is showing red