Just need general help with setting up my server. Pterodactyl - Ubuntu 24.04 - Oracle VM.

I am going to have many questions, my first question is that ive followed this page https://pterodactyl.io/panel/1.0/getting_started.html#download-files I am trying to put in the command: CREATE USER 'pterodactyl'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourPassword'; And im getting back: CREATE: command not found ANy ideas on why thats happening, or what I missed in the earlier steps?
Getting Started | Pterodactyl
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
52 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’2mo ago
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SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
Are you typing that command in your sql console? After doing either mysql -u root -p or mariadb -u root -p, depending if you picked MariaDB or MySQL as your SQL server
I tried both and they are both asking for a password, I cant type anything and if I jsut hit enter, it denys access I thought I was setting up mariaDB
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
You've already attempted to run an install script on this machine, right?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
Likely it setup a database, with a password We don't know which database, nor what the password is, so that puts you in a unfortunate position
OK, so what can I do to fix that?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
Either restarting the database in authless mode, so you can update the password for the default user Or starting from scratch and follow the steps on the guide 1 for 1, rather than trying to pickup from the failed install script (I'd recommend the latter)
how does oen start from scratch, are you saying like create a completely new VM?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
Reinstall the OS, or recreate the VM, yeah
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
You can continue from here, but realistically, if you don't know how things have been setup by the script It's mostly going to be figuring stuff out, rather than just setting it up
Ok Rebuilt it all and it worked!
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
how do I find the .env encryption key to back up?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
it's in /var/www/pterodactyl/.env
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
so just nano or cat it
im just gonna pretend to understand! gonna go google some stuff so you dont have to explain it.
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
nano /var/www/pterodactyl/.env or cat /var/www/pterodactyl/.env to see the contents and then copy the key
cool πŸ˜… I don't see the key in there
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
Should be APP_KEY
just blank for me, ill try cat.
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
it may be .env or .ENV I can't remember
Ok, ill try some variations yep it was lowercase ok I got another q (sorry im getting cautious cause I dont want to restart eveything again) with php artisan p:environment:setup it asks for an email, should I put an email of mine in or am I supposed to do something differnt...
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
So this is what would appear for password reset/server creation emails The next step will ask you to configure the provider by default it uses php's built in send mail function Which will go to spam if you don't own the domain and have the right spf records You can also just use a gmail address and gmail SMTP details
Ok, are you saying that emails would be sent to this email? or from?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
I see, so would this only matter if I was selling services? maybe im not understanding here... Like if I was setting up servers for others.
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
It will still be used for password reset emails or emails when servers have finished being created+installed
Oh wait, i think i understand, so in order for me to get emails about the server, I need to set up an email that those emails will come from. so in that case I should make a new gmail just for this?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
Would be easier to just use a "[email protected]" But you could create a gmail and use its SMTP details
I do have a domain, but no email set up for it, is that an issue?
SilentBotβ€’2mo ago
No, because it will use PHP's built in mail function
cool, so ill just do this!
czychuuuβ€’2mo ago
btw you can use mariadb -u root without a pass same for mysql
oh ok, well I ended up completely restarting from scratch and that fixed it
czychuuuβ€’2mo ago
that also works
but now I actually have a new problem: when i type php artisan migrate --seed --force I get two responses in red: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'pterodactyl'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (Connection: mysql, S QL: select table_name as name, (data_length + index_length) as size, table_comment as comment, engine as eng ine, table_collation as collation from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'panel' and table_type in ('BASE TABLE', 'SYSTEM VERSIONED') order by table_name) AND SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'pterodactyl'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
czychuuuβ€’2mo ago
you entered a wrong pass to mysql
I typed it right, but I didnt reply yes to the username, should I have done that?
czychuuuβ€’2mo ago
well i havent installed ptero for a long time so cant help here
Aftewr going through php artisan p:environment:database It asked if i wanted to change mySQL password, when i typed yes, it gives me and option but It wont let me type anything ok
czychuuuβ€’2mo ago
instead of *** like on websites linux doesnt show anything but it is there
Arthurmeade12β€’2mo ago
when you say it doesn't let you type anything, do you mean that you are prompted but whatever you type doesn't show up on screen?
yes Oh wait I see
Arthurmeade12β€’2mo ago
Because that's normal behavior. It's intended to block your password from being displayed Just type whatever you want for your password and then hit enter
haha i have no clue wth is happening at this point, been workin gon this for horus 🫨 got it that fixed it!
Arthurmeade12β€’2mo ago
glad I could helpπŸ‘
for php artisan p:user:make should I use email I want to use for ptero account? or the previous php mail sending one
czychuuuβ€’2mo ago
if you not gonna use emails system just put anything
no I already passed that, this is for making a user new problem: [ Error writing /etc/systemd/system/pteroq.service: Permission denied ] Nevermind fixed it.

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