Singapore Dedicated Server

Hi! I'm running a large Minecraft network and am not sure which providers are good in Singapore. I'd like something similar to a 128 or 192GB 7950X or 9950X with DDoS protection and a good network. My budget is around $400/mo. Thanks in advance!
6 Replies
Error1103w ago
@Delusion use OVH only one I can reccomend (ive used before) in asia your budget matches there costs too
Error1103w ago
this should show the location u want hope you find what your looking for
ProGamingDk3w ago
ovhs ddos protection kinda sucks against internal attacks
Error1103w ago
true any other reccomendations? I mean if his budget is 400 a month im sure he can also find a viable ddos protection addition I also reccomend hiding your address with a network having such high people your bound to be a target at some point im unsure what ddos protection has good AS routing though but based on what ive used you can look into neoprotect or more controversial in this discord papyrus. I havent used papyrus since before it moved to CF specrum so cant say if theyve gotten better or worse.
Upioti2w ago
Dont use OVH their network sucks very much for APAC its not really that much their fault but apac's ISPs still latency and packet loss will suck Controversial off the same 3 year old no context screenshot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Are you willing to wait a few weeks? I can get you those specs, directly connected to DDoS protection

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