GDPR consent screen
Hey, I'm looking for a solution to have players agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy when they first join the network. Especially due to the European General Data Protection Regulation
In limbo, neither IP addresses nor session data are logged, and you will only be transferred to the regular lobby once you have given your consent.
Ideally there would be a GUI, but a message in the chat which is clickable would also be sufficient. I think it would be best if the plugin runs on Velocity.
I've been through all the marketplaces but haven't found anything suitable. Maybe someone of you has found a solution for this and can give the decisive tip.
Additional Question:
How do you generally deal with data protection queries, do you have a workflow for this?
10 Replies
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Requested by pfandleiher#0
I have never seen a single server do this
Most of the time it is just assumed that when you join you automatically agree to the terms
I ain't no lawyer, but I NEVER EVER saw that being done and I have seen MANY servers
And realistically IP addresses aren't that private either...
I Leaked My IP Address!
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How bad is it to leak your IP address? VPN providers want us to believe it is dangerous, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter.
OALabs about VPNs:
Give that video a watch, it's pretty good and gives a lot of info
Hey, thanks for your comment.
I have also barely seen servers with a consent screen.
My point is that every player is automatically tracked exactly on the network and some data like the country is automatically linked to the Minecraft account on a public leaderboard. The IP is of course not publicly visible.
I am currently in the process of creating a workflow through a ticket to request the removal of the data. This would also be technically possible with some effort.
But without general consent, it's kind of a gray area in my eyes.
I'm watching the video right now.
You can have a disclaimer message at first world spawn, and a (a simple message on join everytime with a link) that just says
"By playing on this server you agree to our terms and conditions. For more info please visit here"
(instead of linking google u link ur website where ur privacy policy and tos are listed)
Yes, this could be a solution, but it is more of an information screen than a consent screen. (better then nothing)
I don't think there is a ready-made solution for this, so I will need a custom plugin for this in the long term.
the consent screen is them joining the server, which is very standard for any type of business
you don't sign consent forms when walking into a restaurant or when shopping at a store, but if you were to have keen eyes, you'll see these things posted on or near the door "by entering this facility you're agreeing to x,y,z"
you can also view basically websites where you'll see the cookies pop up, essential cookies by default are enabled, but the pop up is asking if u approve/disapprove, where approving all it does is not show u the pop up in the future, disapproving would disable them.
So what you could do is in this message when the log in, say if you diagree click here, and it kicks them from the server if they click
Yes, I think you're right.
That would be better than no message at all. That's how most servers do it.
I think I should rather focus on the GPDR Delete Request workflow and optimize that.
As a German, it's a bit more difficult to handle anyway.
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Requested by pfandleiher#0