Change Online mode without users losing stuff
I didn’t knew that my server was on offline mode for a couple of hours and I changed it to online mode and all my users lost their stuff and ranks, is there some way to change it back to online mode without reseting the users?
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Requested by imradigamer#0
by default it's set to online mode
yeah but i used a template that a friend sent me
And it was set false, but if a put it on true all user lose their stuff
you have to get the uuid of the players and rename the playerdata files
not sure the nbt data of those files need to be changed also
You can also have your friends put stuff in a chest that they can get once they rejoin when you change the setting
It will be easier, thanks!
I will not close the thread if someone has another idea for 15 minutes
Java Edition: Convert offline mode server to an online mode server ...
I have a private server with my friends and when we started the server some of my friends didn't own the game. So I started the server in offline mode (very ...
this guy wrote a python script to convert player.dat files
but if u have a relatively small playerbase, would recommend just having them put their stuff in a chest
Thanks yall