rtp for one time only

Does anyone know how to rtp into a world only once, that being the first time you join the world.
9 Replies
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snowznz.bak2y ago
Im sure there are rtp plugins that can do this
BooCatOP2y ago
Ok I looked I have an rtp plugin But I don't know if it does this
Cardoril2y ago
there is, you would just use a plugin like better rtp which has a 'rtp on join' and you would just set timer to infinite (or practically infinite)
PleaseSignOut2y ago
BooCatOP2y ago
That's good, thanks So just to clarify it would work for only the first time they join the world
PleaseSignOut2y ago
Yes. They would rtp upon joining, but if you set it so they have an infinite cool down, they can never rtp again
BooCatOP2y ago
ok !solved
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