bedrock cant purchase ranks
I have ranks in game and java players are able to purchase them but bedrock players arent as it says they dont have a valid uuid.
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Requested by xxer0#0
Make sure they include the prefix when they purchase the ranks.
So if your prefix it a ".", include the "."
it needs to be a offline store iirc
Offline/Geyser stores can do both java and bedrock, but java stores can only do java
what is an offline store?
how do I set this up?
u need to make a complete new tebex store
theres two types
java and offline
offline supports java and bedrock
as it doesnt check uuids/names against mojangs authentication
im not sure what you mean.
Im running deluxemenus to purchase ranks and luckperms to give them the rank they purchase with essentials $
on tebex.
u need to create a offline type tebex store
wait i see
show the menu*
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Requested by xxer0#0
When they purchase it, its says not a valid uuid. How could I fix this?
im running a cracked geyser server
ur offline-mode?
I think so
bot died
im also using floodgate
we dont support piracy
which offline-mode/cracked servers allow
(if ur not using a proxy in online-mode)
which ur convo in #per world command blocks? doesnt seem like u do
I run a single server smp and the only way I could allow bedrock players to chat was to enable offline-mode
other wise they werent able to chat I believe
thats just completely false.
geyser works just fine in online-mode
yeah its not cracked I dont know why I said that