Admincraft3mo ago

Should I stay on LPC or move to other Chat Plugins?

Hey all, so my current server (crossplatform survival) are basically still running on LPC & Essentials as a chat plugins. We use resourcepack for ranks prefix and gui menu, and currently we don't have any advanced chat protector yet and use free Badwords plugin instead. It's kinda buggy and hard to manage because we had to jump between plugins just to fix or change any plugins related to the in-game chat. So, since we're planning to make the server to be a network server (velocity crossplatform), do I need to invest in all-in-one chat plugins? and if so, what chat plugins would you recommend for a network server? note: we almost bought chatcontrol red but I heard a lot of bad stuff about them especially the dev, so hence why I ask it here
15 Replies
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Admincraft Meta3mo ago
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Kre0lidge3mo ago
Check out Carbon it's pretty neat
and if u are in a position where you are fine with spending money id recommend zelchat
Groovyy3mo ago
Zelchat ^^
AeonRemnant3mo ago
Gonna second Carbon here.
GwynOP2mo ago
hey guyss, sorry for leaving the thread. i've been busy for the holiday to give some details, i will give the list of my chat based plugins: -EssentialsX (Core?) -LPC (for prefixes, etc) can't work with velocity/global chat so going to replace this -InteractiveChat (for placeholder like showing item,inventory,enderchest, can work to mention players as well) -EasyCommandBlocker (to block the default players to see the list of commands) -BadWords (block unwanted words) kinda buggy so have to replace this so uh yeah, in favor to replace LPC and BadWords i'm going to need a chat plugins that maybe can work for these two features in one plugin. Also since we don't have an advanced plugins for chat sentry & chat moderation like anti-spam, muting, banning, spying messages, staff chat/party chat, so we're going to need that as well. also thanks for recommending me those two plugins (ZelChat & CarbonChat) but i still haven't decide it yet. ZelChat is a paid one and CarbonChat the free one. I'm still not sure what can convince me from the both plugins, like CarbonChat i think still a bit lacking of documentation (?) so I can't see the wide features this plugin has to offer. For ZelChat, if I buy this plugins I think i'm going to replace LPC, and BadWords right? and ZelChat will covers the chat moderations feature that I needed (?). also i've heard about UltraChat, it covers all the features that I needed, but it seems like the plugins have been got into an outdated plugin and lack the hex features
DJDVS2mo ago
CMI is a paid premium plugin but it seems to do everything your explaining
ZelChat would replace badwords, lpc and interactive chat, as it has those kinds of placeholders built in. ZelChat devs are also always actively working on it and they will add a lot more modularity with 2.0.0 which will allow them to add features even quicker. Had the same dilemma you had a few months ago and picked zel chat, never looked back
2mo ago
As someone that bought CMI I must say it is really not that great your better off looking for a plugin that specialises in what your looking for and not a big general core plugin
When I used CMI i turned off most of the features it brought me, just because i really didn't like essentials, planning on making my own core plugin at one point now as none of the really available ones are good
lavaking462mo ago
FYI, I would recommend using luckperms instead of easycommandblocker as it allows you to control the permissions of the player for all things, rather than just preventing /help you can have granular control over commands and permissions
Kre0lidge2mo ago
Many plugins still show commands they can't use in tab-complete, even with Luckperms I usually prefer a combo of LP and any other plugin that hides tab-complete
GwynOP2mo ago
this is one of the plugin that i almost bought and then cancel to buy it because of it's bad reputation 🥲 just like CCR oh woww thank you sm, going to be my current top pick for sure yeah that make sense, big general core plugin can sometimes be a "waste of money" since we can't always use/want all the unwanted features.
Snowz2mo ago
use commandwhitelist for that
Kre0lidge2mo ago
Yep that's what I use to block tab complete

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