Deluxemenu permission node for luck perms groups
I have made a /prefix menu in deluxmenus that I only want to be available for a certain rank/group. I have tried setting and it hasnt worked.
Deluxemenus version 1.14.0 release
Luckperms version 5.4.137
Any help is appreciated
7 Replies
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Requested by deekay240#0
Do other menu's work?
Also have you set the permission requirement in the prefix file? (since you don't show any files)
All other menus work. We do have permission requirements in the prefix file now, we basically got around it by making everything in the gui non interactable if you don’t have a rank. But we are still unable to prevent people from running the command.
Sounds like a simple permission for a group in LP, but that permission hasn't worked for you, correct?
No it hasn’t, which is very strange for me
Sorry I may not be responsive I’m going to bed right now it’s 2am
Can you show that part of the prefix file? where you set the permission?
If today isn't a good time, just do it tomorrow. I'll be around.
I’ll do it tmr, I appreciate your time