Self hosting other device cant connect tot the server.
I want to host a minecraft server on my own machine nothing too fancy just some servers that me and my friends can mess around on. I can't get the portforwarding to work. So i used No-IP to get a server address (I have this server IP xxx.0.0.1 and this is the address i got ). I can easily connect from my main machine that is hosting the server using both ip and the Address but can't connect to the server using any other device.
What DDNS services can i use?
I tried DuckDns but also couldn't get it to work.
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Requested by boypro019#0
Support | No-IP Knowledge Base
How to Add a SRV Record to Your Minecraft Server
With the 1.3 patch for Minecraft, a SRV record can be used to connect to a hostname without requiring the specific port number after the hostname.
srv records are just to remove the port for the players (right?) so this wont be helpful at all
yep but it seems I've read the post wrongly ...
So from what I could gather is:
You can connect to the server via the dns name and ip address directly but your friends not, right?
i'd double check ur computers (the server) firewall isnt blocking the connections
using another device on my own network and the IP works but not the
for my pc's firewall I disabled UFW
are you hosting on a windows machine?
or linux?
from the same network this also works
I used a vpn and tried to connect to that did not work. I also have asked a friend to test it on his end but he can't as of right now.
Also i just tested using mobile data using it works the same as using a VPN ip doesn't work (Expected) but and this also doesn't
what if you use a external port tester like this one?
Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router
Port checker is a utility used to identify your external IP address and detect open ports on your connection. This tool is useful for finding out if your port forwarding is setup correctly or if your server applications are being blocked by a firewall.
using the external address or the server IP?
IDK about port forwarding tried to do it in my previous router did not work and on this one I found this..

Yep i did not want to use port forwarding because i dont understand it

oh also if i ask my ISP to open port 25565 on my router and i have other servers like
just a example
25565 has my hub
25566 may be a survival server
25567 a creative server
As my understanding those port also need be opened right?
To forward a server you need to say to your isp router/modem HEY! open up this "door" or port to let people in.
I got that part can't figure out how to
and if i have to contact my isp i don't want to do it over and over again for different serves
like in this situation
You still need to open a port can be quite easy. Let me see if I can help you.
Maybe you can snoop arround in your router interface and search for port forwarding after you have logged into your router.
here is a site that maybe can help you.
Port Forward
How To Set Up Port Forwarding - Port Forward
An explanation of port forwarding and the necessary steps to set up port forwarding in your router.
I used to have a tplink one that was easy to port forward on but after switching ISPs i have had the 2 of the most shittiest routers

most of the time u won’t need to contact ur isp,
And in the small chance u do, u can just tell them to open a range of ports. Not one, ex: 25565-25575
But you most likely won’t have to do that
It’s a lot easier to Google ur router and how to port forward on it, than to try and look thru ur router page and figure it out urself
I'll just mess around for now then
I tried that too
But going the rout of using noip will be a lot harder to do
You should only do that if u physically can’t use ur external ip, (ie. Ur isp prevents it)

Can u tell me the router you have? I can look it up for you and show u how to use it
The whole data sheet thing for the model is 4 pages long
that's the model.
so you have 2 "routers" now?
they had like an exchanfe thing so gve away the old one to get a new one
ok, are so are u using vianet as ur isp?
We may have bad news for you :C
Open your router's configuration interface. Somewhere you'll see something like 'external' or 'public' IP.
If your external IP is in one of the following ranges, you're basically screwed as long as portforwards go:
- any IPv6 address/range - This shouldn't be a problem, but Minecraft's IPv6 support is still rather quirky. You're at your own but we're happy if you share your experience.
You should ask your ISP for a public and IPv4 address (but this may cost you money).
NB: your internal IP should and most probably will be in one of the first three ranges, don't mix them up
Admincraft Canned Responses
does ur external ip look like this?
ok so then yes, you cant portforward
looks like vianet requires u to pay extra
to do that
oh wait
i lookd at the ipv4
Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router
Port checker is a utility used to identify your external IP address and detect open ports on your connection. This tool is useful for finding out if your port forwarding is setup correctly or if your server applications are being blocked by a firewall.
this shows 103.XX
ipv4 looks like 192.xx
also the router config access thigi
is 192.
dont use that website
u need to look at ur router
We may have bad news for you :C
Open your router's configuration interface. Somewhere you'll see something like 'external' or 'public' IP.
If your external IP is in one of the following ranges, you're basically screwed as long as portforwards go:
- any IPv6 address/range - This shouldn't be a problem, but Minecraft's IPv6 support is still rather quirky. You're at your own but we're happy if you share your experience.
You should ask your ISP for a public and IPv4 address (but this may cost you money).
NB: your internal IP should and most probably will be in one of the first three ranges, don't mix them up
Admincraft Canned Responses
read the post
"Open your router's configuration interface. Somewhere you'll see something like 'external' or 'public' IP.
If your external IP"
The WAN port of your router
Compare that to what you found online
If they're the same
You're good, if they're different you're boned.
It's 100.70
You're boned
this can be an alternative
i tried that too
ok then dont self host
if you REALLY want to self host
you'll have to speak to ur ISP
nothign to do with your router
its your isp
thought so
Do you think Tailscale is an option?
those bastards
"This is because Vianet assigns Private IP to "home plan" users. The only guaranteed way that you will receive an open NAT is to subscribe to their SOHO package"
looks like you'll have to pay more if u want to self host
alright i shall look into some packages
its most likely will be cheaper to host ur server online
there are even free options that will most likely be better performing than whatever ur selfhosting on
Okay i shall see
Yeah. If it costs you $20 a month to change ISP plans to one that you can use to host, it might cost more than renting hosting
also where did you find this
r/Nepal - Does anyone knows how to port forward on Vianet router?
3 votes and 4 comments so far on Reddit
the website is relaly cluttered
i also vivewd this thread
thats where i found it
i saw some ther one then
it was a lot older
yeah, but good chance they wont change their methodology for this, more money for them
Their website doesn't have it mentioned
if you want to host and u dont mind the expenses, ur best bet would be to call them and ask them

you'd want to call them
the normal person doesnt need an open nat
so they wont really advertise it
and it'll be harder to find
on their website
Current plan costs about 9-12 $ so idk how much they could charge for it
Ill open a support ticket to see if they still have this
"SOHO" thing in place cause that post was from 3 years ago
best thing would be to tell them what you want to do
asking for something u dont know what it is (SOHO) might end up with u paying for it, and it could not work
so tell them what ur doing, what u need to do
and they'll give u options
you're right their site's terms and conditions mentions nothing about SOHO or port forwarding

an older thread i found
We may have bad news for you :C
Open your router's configuration interface. Somewhere you'll see something like 'external' or 'public' IP.
If your external IP is in one of the following ranges, you're basically screwed as long as portforwards go:
- any IPv6 address/range - This shouldn't be a problem, but Minecraft's IPv6 support is still rather quirky. You're at your own but we're happy if you share your experience.
You should ask your ISP for a public and IPv4 address (but this may cost you money).
NB: your internal IP should and most probably will be in one of the first three ranges, don't mix them up
Admincraft Canned Responses
dont look at other threads
this is ur issue
you are out of luck.
Even if i contact them they probbably won't allow or smthing idk i ll contact them even then
to reiterate, it will most likely be cheaper (and can even be FREE) to host ur server online
How do you use Tailscale?
okay Lets start from the begining. What do you want to do on the server?
do you want plugins mods or modpacks?
otherwise aternos or other minecraft free host providers is better. Tailscale could send you into a rabbit hole you didnt forsee .
I use tailscale for remote access my services and computers. its a vpn that punches a hole trough firewalls.
Port Forwarding for Dummies: How to Do it Without Router Access
Are you tired of trying to figure out how to port forward without access to your router login? Look no further! Our step-by-step tutorial makes port forwarding easy for even the biggest tech beginners. No more confusion or frustration – just simple, straightforward instructions for successful port forwarding without logging into your router.
i saw this video
and wonder if any of this can be used in the same way

Okay look, that will only work if your on the same network.
You really only have three options:
- host it on aternos or other free minecraft hosts (this is will have the most chance of success)
- host it on a paid service
- use a vpn to bring all of there data into your network (aint recommended)
I want to know more about the 3rd option how does that even work?
Well Guys i got access to Super user in the control panel to

are any of these useful things for port forwarding?

some ports...

Found it

Also Why do these ip ranges not work?
It doesn't work because of something called CGNat, or Double NAT
You know how you have to port forward to get traffic to your computer?
So even tho I can access the panel for port forward it never opens the port up?
Your ISP would have to also do the same
But they never will in a CGNat environment
So i access the panel it don't open the port so I call up the isp and ask them to do do it right?
But they probably won't from what I know and read on some tech threads
No, they won't open the port. You ask them to give you a real public IP
So if i renew my package do i have to ask again for it
I mean the package for the internet subscription runs out
And when I do renew it do i have to ask for a public ip again
Also opening port 80 in this situation is also not possible right
Opening any port is not possible when you have CGNat
I have no idea how your ISP offers their packages. You'd have to ask their sales department
So my situation is CGNat or Double Nat
They're the same thing. Just two different words for it
Like "melanoma" and "skin cancer"
I just saw this and was confused

Makes sense
You know how you have a public IP and a private IP?
In this case
You have a public IP, a private IP, and another private IP
At this point it is a lost cause I will not be self hosting a server anytime soon then
Call your ISP and ask them. Some ISP will remove you from CGNat for free, others will charge you for it
All you can do is ask
Not a "professional" one at least
It is not a big deal as I wanted this server to mess around with some plugins that some free providers don't have and some plugins that me and my friends can make
I can still test the plugins on my own then
And for messing around with my friends I c a just use a hosting thing
You can use
Also checking my IPV4 connection there is 2 tyrps
Ppoe has Nat enabled
Dchp has Nat disabled
Also they have different ips and connection name
Is that any thing significant?

Hey, idk how many times we gotta tell you. With your ISP no matter how much tinkering you do. You cant fix it.
You have to ask THEM to fix it
OKAY OKAY i am just loooking around
imagine this for portforwarding.
A normal person is locked in a house. and when they portforward they unlock a specific side door into the house and now people can come in and play minecraft.
However for you. You are in the same situtation. EXCEPT you are locked in a room inside that house. Your ISP put you in this locked room inside this house.
What you are doing is trying to unlock your door. You can tinker ALL you want. You might even be able to unlock your door. but you walk out and ur still locked in this house. Your ISP has locked all of the houses exteriors doors. You dont have ANY access to those doors. Your only option is to ask them
Any curious why u dont want to use a free platform like oracle cloud vm?
They dont give u a minecraft server. they give u VM. You have full acesss to it. You can install/download ANYTHING you want. and do whatever you want
you have pretty much full control
ANYTHING as in a lot of servers?
yes!! ANYTHING you want
you are only limited on how "good" the computer you get
and you want a better computer then u gotta pay
but their free tier is very nice
for your specific use case

you get 24gb for free
Deploying in Oracle Cloud |
A modified version of the guide produced by u/Belaboy1095969 on the Admincraft reddit using Ubuntu LTS.
now make sure you stay inside the free tier. if you go above it. it will start costing you
they might charge u a dollar or two when u sign up just to verify you're a real person with a real wallet. but they refund the money
its a hold
so they never charge it