DX DY DZ with Bounding Boxes

So they implemented decimals now to dx dy dz? It now detect the entity's bounding box rather than the base coordinates as it did before. So, what do I do with overlap? Can anyone help? EDIT: After reading more, it seems that Minecraft Bedrock has now converted dx, dz, and dy to allow float instead of int. Is there any way to code it as int again? So there isn't any overlap and position is determined by exact coordinates.
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AyensOP2y ago
To clear it up a bit more: These two codes overlap with an entity, they're hooked with comparators that activate a piston: testfor @e[x=-864,y=-64,z=-768,dx=175,dy=264,dz=127] testfor @e[x=-864,y=201,z=-768,dx=175,dy=119,dz=127] They detect area 1 and area 2 respectively, and are hooked to a set of commands and redstone. Before - dx, dy, and dz had detection via the base/feet of the player relative to the coordinates. So the code I posted above, wherein two different sets of codes and pistons activated depending on whether you're in area 1 or area 2. Dx, dy, and dz was used when testing for players in each areas (i.e. If I was standing on y=200, I would be in area 1. On y=201, area 2). But now they updated it and detection is changed in parity with Java - now done via player/entity's bounding box: when I step on area 1 at y=200, with my coordinates registered as y=200, it also detects me at y=201, at area 2. Is there a way to not use float and just the integer of the coordinates?

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