1 of many players cannot join server

I'm hosting a server for my group of friends, and generally it has been running with no issues. Today one of the users suddenly got disconnected however, after creating and using the Nature's Compass mod (which others of us have already used without errors), and everytime they try to rejoin they fall through the world for a few minutes before being able to walk around but not interact with the world, and other players see them standing still. Disconnect errors seem to change. One of them was this: "io.netty.handler.codec.decoderexception: java.util.zip.dataformatexception: invalid distance too far back" Serverside logs show nothing out of the ordinary, attached are the 2 latest client side logs. We've tried the following: Removed the Nature's Compass item from their inventory. TP'd to a different chunk and gave creative gamemode Restarted server router Restarted client router Reinstalled client modpack
23 Replies
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Requested by philrow#0
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Requested by philrow#0
Auster2y ago
it seems like their system clock might be set wrong? just a wild guess of mine, but that error message seems to imply something like that
PhilrowOP2y ago
as in their windows system clock?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
PhilrowOP2y ago
their system clock shows their correct time
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Internet suggests that the user maybe has crappy wifi. Have them use ethernet cable?
PhilrowOP2y ago
we considered the same thing - issue is they game in the basement where there is no ethernet cables. Issue hasn't been a thing for the past 2-3 weeks the server has been up either, so it feels like a weird time for it to appear had them do a speedtest and packet loss test as well, both seemed fine
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Define "seemed fine"
PhilrowOP2y ago
1 out of 150 packets were lost 6 ms ping
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
1 out of 150 is a lot actually Have them do a winMTR to the server while trying to connect.
PhilrowOP2y ago
it was the same result I got iirc anything in particular we should be looking for when doing the winMTR test?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Have it run for like 100 pings (while connecting) and dm the results to me?
PhilrowOP2y ago
Will do!
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
@Philrow thanks for sending that mtr to me Notice the last 5 rows in your list, see how the lowest loss is 16%? Is this hosted at your house?
PhilrowOP2y ago
Yes it's selfhosted on my NAS Also we just tried again, and she is now able to connect so I suppose it just came down to a bad connection between us for that period of time?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Can you do an mtr to the disconnecting user from your NAS? Because you might need to make an ISP call.
PhilrowOP2y ago
The MTR I sent you is from the disconnecting user to my NAS/the MC server
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Yes, I'm asking for the inverse. From your NAS to the user
PhilrowOP2y ago
ah I gotcha
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Thanks for sending that to me I'm not seeing anything weird like from the last report If they can join now, great. If you're having problems again try an mtr from you to them (and them to you). If you see loss on both, call your ISP.
PhilrowOP2y ago
Fair enough, thanks for the help tho! !solved
Admincraft Meta
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Requested by philrow#0

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