Anyone know of a plugin that would work with griefprevention?
Hope this is allowed but looking for a plugin that would be able to work with griefprevention to regen unclaimed land. Want to get some of the new biomes without going out into ungenerated parts of the server, thought about a server reset but we have players with massive builds in this server and they are some of the most active
10 Replies
You have to configure it but GP can do it.
Yea, have the claims set to expire after 60 days, was looking for something where I can lock the server down and have it regenerate the chunks outside of claims so we can get new biomes and stuff
Maybe on command or something
Oh, i totally didnt read that, you can use world edit (//regen) but you have to manually set the positions you want but it would override GP
Yea, was checking to see if there was a work around, I found one but it isn't being supported no more.... last version it supported was 1.16
I'll look and see what I can do.... been looking around the reddit as well but haven't really found anything
did you already look at the GP addons?
nvm, they have nothing
Ah, only add on i have for GP is GPflags
Xenoworldreset sounds like what you want
They have GP support too
I'll look into it
Unfortunately that one won't work as it can't reset the default world....
Can't you put your playable world as something other than world?
Rename it to something else, use myworlds to import, and then have world be a mini hub/shopping mall