Client crash with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Packet Payload too large ... [Fabric, 1.20.1]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Packet Payload too large for NORMAL packet size - was 122523, which is bigger than 65536!
Mod that raises error(looks like):
Can anyone can help to remove mod without world corruption? After deleting from directory users can't join server and block doesn't removes..GitHub
GitHub - AlexIIL/SimplePipes: A small test pipes mod based around L...
A small test pipes mod based around LibBlockAttributes - GitHub - AlexIIL/SimplePipes: A small test pipes mod based around LibBlockAttributes
7 Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by stuffygeek#0
i dont think that mod is production ready at all
u can maybe remove its parts with mcedit
sure, but it's just an local server. Did you know some fabric "repairing" modes that can help to remove "unknown" blocks?
is your best bet
fixed by internal minecraft fill command, tools are corrupt world