Hello, how can I do a reverse proxy on Dynmap on debian 11?
I followed this guide but that didn't work at all. https://rawsrv.medium.com/install-nginx-reverse-proxy-on-ubuntu-20-04-for-dynmap-e235cd622c3b
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Requested by adrian.odi#0
Everything worked ok
But at this point
it says that
Seems like your missing wget, just install it
Ah sheet
Thanks a lot
Thank you for the fast response
Now there's another problem
What is that error?
Seems like there is something missing in the nginx config did you enter the IP of the server your proxing for
I didn't
It showed me before
like I add the subdomain
and after i click enter
it says this error
There was another prompt right before the red line try running it again may you accidentally pressed enter two times and skipt it
can I somehow delete the actual configuration?
How it says that:
To delete the file
How again, the 1st problem appeared.
It asks you first for the domain to use and then for the IP with port the map is running on you need to enter both
Yes, I did it
Wtf bro
Another error.
is there another way to do that on debian?
This isn't a Debian error.
Looks your DNS is setup wrong.
Is sharky.ro a name you recognize?
It is where my VPS is hosted
this vps is it a nat one?