Efficiency enchant doesn't work on 1.21 clients

Updated my server to 1.21 two days ago and since then it seems that efficiency doesn't have any effect on 1.21 clients. As soon as you switch back to 1.20.4 efficiency works as it should. To try and elaborate: If I or one of my players are running a client on 1.21 and try to mine with a pickaxe, hoe or a shovel that has efficiency on, it is as if the tool does not have efficiency on it. It's slow. As soon as you switch over to 1.20.4 and try to do the same with the same tools it works perfectly. Any idea what is causing this or how to fix it?
53 Replies
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Admincraft Meta7mo ago
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Alien7mo ago
Are you using a plugin to allow users running different veriosn to join the server?
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Yes. Using Viaversion.
Alien7mo ago
I've had issues with that plugin before, similar to what you're experiencing. Certain things would break for players on a version that is not the native server version. Only thing I could think of is there being such a big change in 1.21 that maybe you need to reenchant the pickaxe? try to make a new pickaxe while being on 1.21 and then seeing if the issue continues on the new pickaxe you make
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
I've tried enchanting a new pickaxe just to test it, but it had the same effect. I will see if I have the latest viaversion installed and if not I'll update it and see if that helps.
Alien7mo ago
What version is your server jar atm?
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Latest paper version for 1.21.
Alien7mo ago
Possibly a paper issue? I dont use paper
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
I considered it, but I tried to look it up and see if I could find anything on the issue, but couldn't find anything. Installed the latest versions or ViaVersion and ViaBackwards and the issue persists. Also, I don't believe this is a Paper 1.21 bug as I have a player who mentioned that they had this issue before I updated my server to 1.21 from 1.20.4.
Alien7mo ago
What plugins are you using
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Too many to list.
Alien7mo ago
well are you using any enchantment plugins
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Nope. No enchantment plugins.
Alien7mo ago
Are you using a VPS or is a mc server hosting company hosting your server for you
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
I am using a hosting company, but they don't know what is causing it.
Alien7mo ago
Could I join ur server for a moment and u give me a pick to see if its an issue for all users?
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Sure. Address is play.detox.network
Torrent7mo ago
Make sure you’re on the latest CI build of ViaVersion And it would still be useful to post a screenshot of /plugins If all else fails: !binary
Carl-bot7mo ago
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed. If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed. Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin. Congratulations, you found the culprit.
From An unknown user
Admincraft Canned Responses
Alien7mo ago
thats weird, im mining fast but as if i have haste 3 but i dont, but its also not mining as if its instant mine either. I see this issue on prison servers a lot hold on
Alien7mo ago
Alien7mo ago
its definitely a plugin causing it i believe on my screen it looks like your instant mining try going back to 1.20.4 and see if it still happens, if not, i suggest try to update all of your plugins, if some of your plugins arent updated yet i would hold off on using them unless theyre super important im lagging badly on ur server... its def connection issues man, not sure what to tell you. 200 ms is not good
Alien7mo ago
No description
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
200ms is fine. It's good. Just because someone has a connection of 200ms doesn't mean it is bad. Not as if anything above 10ms is bad. I've never lagged on 200ms. Regardless, it has nothing to do with the issue I am experiencing.
Alien7mo ago
This is due to connection lag
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Then why do players who have ping under 50ms have the same issue? Why is it I mine fine on 1.20.4? That's not lag. That's something else. Something related to 1.21 clients.
Alien7mo ago
Because 50 ms is good and 200 ms is not
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Or how the server interacts with 1.21 clients.
Alien7mo ago
Are you sure its fine?
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
I'm not an idiot. I know the difference between mining slow and mining fast. I know the difference I experienced when mining on 1.21 compared to 1.20.4. On 1.20.4 it's near instantaneous. On 1.21 it's as if I have no enchantment.
Alien7mo ago
Hmmm Idk then
czychuuu7mo ago
best option is removing viaver and never using it again fixes 99% issues
Alien7mo ago
Lmao theres that too
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
I can disable Viaversion and test it, but I won't be removing it permanently. Never before had this issue.
Alien7mo ago
ViaVersion is annoying and buggy from my experiences at least
czychuuu7mo ago
if your server is on 1.21 let players join only on 1.21 and there will be no issues
Skullians7mo ago
whether 200ms is good or not depends on the scenario
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Skullians7mo ago
if you're in PvP playing something like bedwars, where you have 200ms and the other has 30ms ping, then 200ms is not ideal
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Perfect point.
Alien7mo ago
Okay but to have lag when mining, and to have 200ms, and to say 200ms isnt the issue? not sure what to tell you g just because ur not playing PvP doesnt make 200ms a good stable connection 200ms is 200ms maybe im wrong but i think its due to latency lag to the server and like you said players with 50ms or under are not having any issues 🤷
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
You are wrong because I already explained that this cannot be the issue. No, there are players who are below 50ms who HAVE the issue. And if it were a ping issue I wouldn't be magically mining better on 1.20.4 compared to 1.21 I misspoke when I mentioned players under 50ms ping, but regardless, it doesn't make any logical sense that my ping is under 200ms when I am on 1.20.4 (it isn't) and I therefore mine faster and it's slower by more than a hundred milliseconds on 1.21 (it isn't). Which means it is a client side issue or an issue with the server interacting with 1.21 clients. Well, technically it is the latter, but you know what I mean.
czychuuu7mo ago
bet its viaver issue
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Could be. I'll disable it later and give feedback.
Skullians7mo ago
check that viaversion is up to date with the latest dev build try that first
Eternal7mo ago
what's the base version of the server
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Will do. 1.21
Eternal7mo ago
that's funny
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Seems Viaversion was the culprit after all. I disabled it and can mine faster in 1.21 now. There still seems to be a slight lag when breaking blocks, but I have had players with a 20ms ping experience that. I haven't tested it with the latest Viaversion dev builds yet.
QarthO7mo ago
Had a similar issue, Updating viaversion fixes the issue for me
Skullians7mo ago
Ken_ShinigamiOP7mo ago
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta7mo ago
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