•Created by Ken_Shinigami on 8/16/2023 in #questions
Non-staff can't join server
87 replies
•Created by Ken_Shinigami on 8/8/2023 in #questions
Change } else if (permissionARG.contains("jobs.boost")) for listening to command
So a dev that works for me made a simple timer plugin for my server, but he's currently busy and can't help me. I need to change
} else if (permissionARG.contains("jobs.boost")) {
pattern = Pattern.compile("jobs\\.boost\\.(.*?)\\.(.*?)\\.amount\\.(\\d+)");
to listen to the /jobs boost command instead of listening for a permission. I know very little about Java and I don't even know how to compile it again after editing (I've decompiled it already). So if someone could give me the correct argument as well as please let me know how to compile it again I'd appreciate it.2 replies
•Created by Ken_Shinigami on 8/6/2023 in #questions
mcMMO and Jobs Reborn boosts weirdness
I've posted about this a few times, but I'm made progress and think I've mostly figured out the issues I had. I am still perplexed by one or two small details and hope I could receive some help.
I think I managed to make mcmmo boosts work as I did /lp verbose and it came back with the following for mcmmo:
Regarding jobs though, I'm still struggling. I looked in the config and found that I needed to enable boost permissions and did. I then experimented with timed boosts and received various, confusing results. Verbose doesn't show any specific log entries that show a jobs boost (I tested with a money boost as that's easiest to keep track of), however if I do /lp group default permission settemp true 30s server=peaceful
I do seem to receive more money. I set the rate for miner job to 0.20 per block, but with a boost I receive 21-23 per block. Why it varies I don't know. And another issue I have is that the boost seems to stay for longer than 30s for some weird reason, which makes me worried that it will stay active with longer boosts.
Long story short, I think mcmmo boosts work, but I need to know what the percentage for jobs boosts are and why / how long the boost stays active for after the amount of time I set and also why I can't see any specific information in my verbose logs. Thank you in advance!2 replies
•Created by Ken_Shinigami on 8/5/2023 in #questions
Jobs and MCMMO timed boosts don't work
Hi there. So I am planning on running timed xp boosts for MCMMO and xp and money boosts for Jobs Reborn for my players. They'll be able to buy it with in game money. I was told by someone to run a luckperms command with the permission for the boosts.
The commands I attempted to use are /lp group default permission settemp mcmmo.perks.xp.150percentboost true 10m server=x for mcmmo and /lp group default permission settemp jobs.boost.all.exp.amount.0.25 true 10m server=x with the times and percentages varying depending.
I have is that I tested the lp job boost multiple times and it does not work. I assume for this reason that the mcmmo boost does not work either. The built in boost commands for Jobs Reborn work perfectly so that's good to know and I can use those commands, but I need a similar timed command for MCMMO which is where the luckperms command comes in. MCMMO does have its own boost command, but it cannot be timed.
In summary, luckperms commands do not work for boost permissions (the permissions are correct) and I need commands to only have the boosts run automatically for a set amount of time. Please, please help me. I have no one else to ask for help and I'm tired of hitting my head against the wall trying to figure this out with no resources available online (that I could find). Thank you in advance.
MCMMO permissions:
In Minecraft itself /xprate <rate> true|false is the command to usefor MCMMO.
Jobs reborn command:
/jobs moneyboost all 5 10m Adds 5 amount of money boost to all the available jobs for 5 minutes.
26 replies
•Created by Ken_Shinigami on 7/31/2023 in #questions
Jobs Reborn boost amounts?
So I have a simple question as I have been unable to find any information on the subject myself. So Jobs Reborn has boost commands and permissions and I'm planning on using them for my server, however I have no idea if the amounts you enter into the permission / boost command is 1% for each number or more or less.
The permissions are: Boosts money for all jobs by defined amount
jobs.boost.all.exp.amount Boosts exp for all jobs by defined amount
So if I set the amount to 1, is that 1% or 100%?10 replies
•Created by Ken_Shinigami on 7/22/2023 in #questions
Text countdown timer for events
I'm planning on running various short timed events on our server that will be activated with commands and have set it so they show a title message once started, but I need to somehow implement a text countdown timer that shows the amount of time left for the event. I've looked at plugins and looked for anything online that I could use, but found absolutely nothing. I made the title message and event start command with Ultra Customizer, but I could not find a way to make the countdown show. We do use scoreboard so it would be ideal if the countdown could somehow be put into the scoreboard as soon as the event starts.
Thank you in advance for your help!
14 replies