Sky Factory 4 server not starting
I am trying to run a sky factory 4 server on my local machine and it crashes on startup. I am able to run a Better Minecraft 4 server fine but this new pack isnt working for me.
15 Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by psmoxie#0 there a log?
not sure how you want us to help when all you say is "it doesn't work"
Yea sorry, console just closes so nothing there. If there is a crash log I dont know where it would be
what's in your startup script
@echo off
call settings.bat
echo Starting Sky Factory 4 Server...
java -server -Xms%MIN_RAM% -Xmx%MAX_RAM% %JAVA_PARAMETERS% -jar %SERVER_JAR% nogui
exit /B
goto start_server
Running on Windows 10 btw
crash log doesn’t matter
Where can I find this?
the logs folder
searched my server directory didnt find anything
doesnt exist
this is what I got by modifying the start file to not close,
ss the entire server directory and send it here
and are you using the skyfacotry 4 server pack?
wrong java. make sure you have java 8 installed
That makes sense thanks!