pregenerating advice? (forge 1.20.1)
what's the best mod to use for pregenerating? and what steps do you guys take? (detail super appreciated!)
i used chunky, and something went wrong so there's a crazy HUGE line of messed up world gen
is it ...even possible to pregen a large radius?
thanks so much
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Requested by muppetenergy#0
okay so the line (it looks like a screen tear in a perfect box) seems to be where chunky stopped
so will I need to pregen everything we will ever be using all at once so it doesn't do that when new gen beyond that is done?

you can check chunkys mod page to see the commands, and chunky doesnt touch worlgen its whatever you were doing that fucked up
redo the world
we were just sitting at spawn decorating a little bit
you can delete the regions around the spawn vs redoing the world then
itll redo the world gen
i'll redo
i had accidentally done 2000 blocks instead of 2000 chunks radius, so the line is at the border of 2000 blocks
well, 2048
is it possible any chunk loading mods would mess with it?
No chunk loading mods will mess with it
i'm not opposed at all to redoing the world since we just started and i saved the seed
just wanting to make sure i do it properly so that doesn't happen again lol
just tried trimming to see if it would still be weird and it's ..yeah
what's supposed to happen normally when you pregenerate and then people go to the edge and it generates more?
i mean what is supposed to happen?
i am guessing it's not supposed to do this if people go to the edge and generate new stuff
FIGURED IT OUT yes i botched something
ty 💜
seems like the biomesize mod somehow changes land shape and not just biome sizes