an up to date Anti AFK / Anti - Auto Relog plugin?
i found a few but they're super old and don't really have any update record, just 1 off uploads and disappeared forever.
i'd also like it if the plugin was able to be configured with different afk time limits for different permissions.
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Requested by drishawastaken#0
For the relog, I'm not sure what you can do for that- maybe add a cooldown for relogging. E.g you need to wait 30 seconds before joining again.
that mod just prevents a player from being afk by forcing the player to move, it doesnt actually kick you for being afk
1 - this is a mod, not a plugin .
2 - this is mod to actually to circumvent what i am trying to acheive lol, its basically an "anti afk kicker mod" no
jetsantiafkpro but its paid
Ah I didn't notice that it was a mod. I apologize for that!
yeah i don't think i'll be upto to pay for a plugin.
i don't mean to not value the developers work ,but usually when i am selecting plugins for a server, i'd often go through like 10 versions of the same thing from different creators before i find the right one or just discard the idea entirely.
i don't like the idea of paying for a plugin without fully knowing if its exactly what i want it to be
maybe contact the dev to be sure that it fits your scope