Fabric Cobblemon Error Ubuntu. Fabric worked raw and exception thrown after adding cobblemon

I am trying to run a fabric server with cobblemon off of ubuntu, when I try to run the server I started getting an exception "Error extracting mod adventure-platform-fabric 5.14.1" I can run the same mod list off of my windows desktop and it appears that mod is part of fabric itself and I ran it without all of the cobblemon mods included any ideas what could cause that?
34 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
/close !close !solved !answered
Requested by cobaltcg#0
Tamz2mo ago
Carl-bot2mo ago
Please check your server log for errors from your plugins.
If you need further help understanding the errors, please send us the whole log file. Where can I find the server log? Logs are stored in <server_directory>/logs/. Search for a file explorer in your server's management interface and navigate to that directory. Once you've opened that up, search for the latest.log file. Some providers have a separate page for logs and may hide the "logs" folder. On Aternos: • Go to https://aternos.org/log/. On Minehut and server.pro: • Go to the "files" tab in the left menu. • Navigate to the root directory of your server. • From there navigate to /logs/latest.log. What should I do with the log? • First of all, read it! I mean, that's what you do all the time when you run a server, isn't it? Try to locate any errors that have anything to do with the issue you are facing. • If you got the latest.log file or created a .txt file with the necessary errors you can upload these directly to the channel, but we prefer if you upload them to https://mclo.gs/. • If you have trouble downloading the log file, copy/paste the text to a paste service (like mclogs). Copy the link that it gives you and send it to us. (Don't worry, McLogs hides your users' IPs.)
Admincraft Canned Responses
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
We have uploaded your file to a paste service for better readability
Paste services are more mobile friendly and easier to read than just posting a file
Requested by cobaltcg
Tamz2mo ago
server is running vanilla not modded nvm its running "Base" fabric so no mods
[03:51:41] [main/INFO]: Loading 4 mods:
- fabricloader 0.16.9
\-- mixinextras 0.4.1
- java 21
- minecraft 1.21.1
[03:51:41] [main/INFO]: Loading 4 mods:
- fabricloader 0.16.9
\-- mixinextras 0.4.1
- java 21
- minecraft 1.21.1
be sure the mods are in the Mods folder and not mods/mods or mods/mod
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
it must be capital M?
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
no, mods is all lower case
Tamz2mo ago
^ i just capitalize it for "Read" the message as its important tbf i should just go mods
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
ah, it is all lowercase
Tamz2mo ago
can you screenshot the directory and how it looks?
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
No description
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
No description
Tamz2mo ago
these are all .jar yeah?
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
Tamz2mo ago
odd can you also show the directory path to said mods folder? like the top part of the ss that you are cutting off
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
No description
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
what user is running the server btw? are you running as root or isaac?
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
I just looked and the most recent ones were all isaac, but isaac is part of the admin group with root so that shouldn't be an issue, but I'll try as root
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
you should make it so all the files owned by isaac by doing chown -R isaac:isaac . inside the server directory don't run your server as root
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
fair point, I might have gotten there eventually
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
sorry, that's chown, not chmod
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
It totally was that, I'll turn it off and move the ownership over and see if I can get it when I'm not as root
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
(I will mention btw, it's best to create a new user that just runs minecraft and doesn't have sudo perms. That way if you do end up running a mod with malware, they don't have full access to your server)
Tamz2mo ago
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
I'm getting unable to access the fabric-server-mc...... .jarfile, but that should be contained in the directory with everything else right It is found it It has the correct ownership too
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
chmod +x fabric-server-mc* doesn't have executable perms on it
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
would it take the executable away when I changed the ownership?
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
no, but it didn't have it in this screenshot either that or you typed the wrong filename
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
hm idk, I gave it execute and it started up again so that's cool at least Thanks for the help! while I'm here 8gb is more than enough for the server right
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2mo ago
probably, you can do /spark health to check the server's memory usage but realistically, if it needs more memory, you'll either see frequent GCs in spark, or it'll crash with an error saying it's out of memory
CobaltCGOP2mo ago
sweet thanks!

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