Using a Github repository for a self-hosted server
Hi I'm a new member of the server, recently with a bunch of friends we decided to pick up Minecraft and play together.
I've proposed to use a repository to easily version control the world and share it with the other hosts, but I think I've run up to a brick wall. I've already set up everything we needed, the .gitignore doesn't seem to interfere with any file and I've also disabled autocrfl so hopefully git doesn't mess my EOF.
The brick wall: when I start the serve on another PC, after having pulled the repository the server throws some exceptions. This is what my terminal shows:
I hope someone had my same experience and can illuminate me on the matter, I thank you in advance.
MinecraftServer NullPointerException - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
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P.S.: If needed I can use another service to paste my error.
Fail to bind to port usually means that the port is in use, or the minecraft server doesn't have access to the interface you used in
The ip address is correct
I've also tried changing the port
but it doesn't work
now I'm trying to check if it was a problem related to onedrive
could be that the file is trying to sync with the version on cloud
try leaving server-ip blank in
this starts the server
is the ip i should give to my friends always the hamachi one?
ok thanks then the problem was less than i've expected
I'm testing the connection
apparently my laptop isn't reachable via hamachi
hmm hamachi requires setting server-ip
i believe your hamachi ip are differnet on two computers?
leave it blank, hamachi just sets up another network interface.
IF you leave it blank it'll try to listen on every network interface
it works, nothing serious with hamachi
thanks a lot