Run Multiple servers on one world.
Hi, i am building a server and want to spread out the world across multiple servers, with each server hosting a section of the map for horizontal scalability.
For convenience reasons it would be nice to have all the servers access the same world folder and have each server just load the chunks that it needs from there.
If anyone knows how to achieve this or has an idea how to do this it would be nice to share.
Currently i am running Paper 1.20.1
I have tried to do this with a symlink but with limited success: the server are all able to connect to the same world, but only one server at a time. If one server is running and i try to start a second one, it wont start.
11 Replies
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Requested by retsom3d#0
That is not a good idea.
But, if you insist on it. There are a couple of existing projects.
Mammoth (I think is what it's called)
Mammoth isn't developed anymore, multipaper it is
GitHub - MultiPaper/MultiPaper: Multi-server, single-world papermc ...
Multi-server, single-world papermc implementation. Contribute to MultiPaper/MultiPaper development by creating an account on GitHub.
Games really have to be designed from the ground up to accomodate sharding like that
this thread is a good read on why you shouldn't do that
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
Two servers with the same world
For long and complicated reasons I need to run two servers using exactly the same world hopefully with both of worlds in sync with each-other. I made...
Thanks, i will look at this.
I know, i also could achieve this by manually cutting up the world into smaller ones, but this would mean that the world borders will eventually be very different from server to server. I thought i could just send chunk updates from one server to another, but couldnt find a plugin that does this.
If you have better ideas please share.
What are you trying to do this for?
Like, what problem are you trying to solve?
Mainly to make a single world as scalable as possible. With having as much players as possible on the same world. The players would be spread out across a Limited size, pregenerated world, and should be able to travel across the entire world if they choose to
later down the line i plan to have gameplay plugins as well, but right now i am still trying to solve the scalability.
Scalability for a single world just isn't possible in the way you're thinking, there's going to be single server limits in minecraft.
folia tries to solve this exact issue with regionization, but it isnt stable yet
instead of running multiple servers it runs multiple regions each on their on thread