Ping issues

I know this is not exactly a server issue but i need help. Minecraft uses a maximum bandiwth of 0.1 My internet speed is slow but minecraft usually doesnt go above that my browser can go up to even 10 mbs but minecraft is usually at 0.1 which makes my game laggy and sometimes disconnects me.
6 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta8mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by wenderfor#0
wenderforOP8mo ago
i have issues in other multiplayer games too but not this much
MrMcyeet8mo ago
Minecraft uses a maximum bandwidth of 0.1
This does not sound accurate tbh (if you mean Mbps) Also bandwidth doesn't necessarily have to do with latency Could just be that your ISP is routing you through a bad/longer than optimal route to your server
wenderforOP8mo ago
How can i see that if it does it
wenderforOP8mo ago
No description
Bruhdows8mo ago
Bases on the player count My server uses ~20Mbit/s (~200 players)

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