Elite Mobs vs MythicMobs and ModelEngine
Hi there! I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Elite Mobs.
I’m hesitating buying MythicMobs since Elite seems to have all the features I’m looking for.
Anyone have some insights on performance, features, model availability, etc…?
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Requested by exos9#0
If EliteMobs already has what you need, then don’t purchase mythic
Mythic has a lot of plugins for different purposes, each with its own price tag
Also, you don’t get a base to start with, you have to create everything from scratch, which makes it suitable if you want something that doesn’t already exist
That’s my pov as Mythic user, you’ll have to wait for a EliteMobs user
Elitemobs locks you into that one guys system and is something you have to consistently pay for to update
I swapped from it to mythicmobs
Well since I’m still in the middle of development I’ll run some tests on my side to see which works best ^^ thanks for the advice
Wait isn’t Elite free though?
I forgot, I remember it wasn't though
The plugin itself is free, probably the assets are paid
Btw, I highly recommend mythic, however I’m not sure if you need it considering you want what EliteMobs already has
Whichever you choose, you’ll probably end up locked in that ecosystem for a while
True, I’ve tested Mythic and it works great but the 12 custom mob limit is quickly going to be limiting and I’m on a bit of a budget so $40 for a plugin is a bit much (esp. after buying a crap ton of other plugins + a custom world generation pack)