How to set up autoban on grimAC?

GrimAC has been really good, though i need to set up autoban for it since my server is a one-man show rather than having mutliple staff.
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Zaid2y ago
I personally don't recommend auto bans some bans can.. be false
howl nen
howl nenOP2y ago
It's only temp bans, and not suppoesd to be strict
microwave.xyz2y ago
@howl nenGrimAC is being discontinued from what I heard, I suggest using it but it's not longer going to be supported for future updates
howl nen
howl nenOP2y ago
i know, I'm just using it cause it's free and doesnt stress out my server like other anticheats ive tries
MrMcyeet2y ago
Dont use grim tbh Its abandoned, doesnt offer support, and a mess internally if you need a free anticheat, use Updated NCP
Stealth2y ago
Hello, as others have pointed out, yes preferably use something other then Grim and not have it ban players as it can false flag, I have Grim on my server on which only kicking players for flagging is enabled, you can easily change it to your requirements from the example below.
Stealth2y ago
No description
Stealth2y ago
go into your punishments.yml for Grimac and in that every check would have certain commands that would be executed upon reaching the set violation level I've kept mine to kick players, you can change it to having players banned/tempbanned depending on how high your violation threshold is 👍

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