•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/21/2023 in #questions
Keepalive Timeout
Player was kicked due to keepalive timeout!
I am only getting this on one player, no one else.
6 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/21/2023 in #questions
GrimAC Error
[GrimAC] Disconnecting ___ for TranslatableComponentImpl{key="disconnect.timeout", args=[], fallback=null, style=StyleImpl{obfuscated=not_set, bold=not_set, strikethrough=not_set, underlined=not_set, italic=not_set, color=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null, font=null}, children=[]}
35 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/21/2023 in #questions
PluginManager updater
How do I use the /pm update command without it giving me an error, and actually working? It says "The pluing __ is not in the config file."
11 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/20/2023 in #questions
Essentials /tp @s
How am I able to make it so the essentialsx tp command support formatting like @p @s @a @e ?
9 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/20/2023 in #questions
End Portal frame glitch
Why am I, and my players not able to do the mushroom, end portal frame break glitch. I am running a purpur 1.20.1 server.
16 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/20/2023 in #questions
Force Mod for server without making it forge/farbric
How can I force a mod onto a server, without changing the .jar file it runs off of, into a mod loader.
I am talking about the SimpleVoice mod for fabric. If there is no way thats okay.
13 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/16/2023 in #questions
Is there anyway when your in combat log to make it so they can't use commands while in combat log?
6 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/16/2023 in #questions
Colored Signs, Colored names.
For some reason I cannot put special characters, color codes and stuff into anvils and signs is there anything that can fix this? I am running a purpur server.
5 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/16/2023 in #questions
Item shops
I was wondering if there are any plugins to where you can buy items with items, so like 2 diamonds for 20 rockets?
25 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/15/2023 in #questions
Best anti-xray
I am using ore-obfuscation or whatever it's called, and I have the paper anti-xray turned on at the same time.
I am going to be turning the paper anti-xray off so I can use ore obf, so there less lag, is there any alternatives that are way better? or any anti-xray plugins that can help me detect xrayers.
39 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/14/2023 in #questions
Enderpearl phasing
How can I prevent people glitching through walls, barrier blocks using the enderpearl glitch?
7 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/13/2023 in #questions
VotingPlugin question
Hello, I use VotingPlugin to handle votes through my server, and I want to setup vote rewards, but I want the rewards to be randomized, do you think I should add a vote crate key or is there some way to add like 5 items and you have a chance to get one of them everytime you vote. If there is something else I can do please tell me
11 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/13/2023 in #questions
SimpleScore scoreboards
I use the SimpleScore plugin to display various info for my server, for players to view. But for some reason the scoreboard thats in the overworld will not display in the end or the nether, it just shows some weird things about ticks.
7 replies
•Created by microwave.xyz on 7/13/2023 in #questions
Multiverse Inventories issues
Hello, I am pretty new to this server stuff so sorry if this is a already answered questions I dont mean to be a burden, but I would like to ask how to connect my overworlds, nether worlds, and end worlds inventory all together just like normal minecraft, but I also have a hub world where new people spawn. and I don't want their inventories synced since we have had people abusing the block glitch with barrier blocks. If it's just a simple command I am sorry, but I haven't found much help on youtube or the spigot forums.
16 replies