Bungeecord not functioning
I have a bungee network on same machine (ptero/docker)
whenever a player joins:
28 Replies
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Requested by img#0
bungee config:
Feel like the IP address shouldn't be "<insert pub ip here>"
Minecraft | Pterodactyl
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
Follow the setup docs (:
online mode falseYou should definitely turn that on for your proxy.
pterodactyl docs are sweet
also use waterfall
internal backends is the best!
wait how do i do it
I hope you aren't trying to say this is intentional :FrogeBIGEYES:
Running your proxy without authenticating user connections.
uh what
Ah, so piracy
Don't wanna hear it tbh
i do own mc fyi
We don't support piracy here.
owning mc doesnt matter
its a friend smp with like 4 players smh
i know that doesnt change the point
but oh well
Don't need a proxy for a 4 man server for friends.
i do
creative, & surv
why not use mv?
cuz it messed up invenotries cuz idk how to set it up properlky
and i have a free vps
so why not
But we don't support piracy here. Later.
ok sure
so imgetting banned?
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Requested by discount_milk#0