Can I Remove a Specific Villager Trade from All Villagers?

I'm running a Modded Minecraft server, and I need to remove a specific trade (buying an empty map) from all villagers. I want to prevent both existing and newly generated villagers from offering this trade. Is there a way to do this using commands, datapacks, or plugins? Any help would be appreciated!
9 Replies
Tamz5d ago
if you are running modded you can only use MODS and NOT plugins for your server
leonOP5d ago
Oh wow, thanks for the completely unnecessary clarification. Too bad I also mentioned COMMANDS and DATAPACKS, but reading is hard, I guess.
Tamz5d ago
thanks for making fun of me for giving a clarification for another soul that might give you an answer and give you 40 plugins that do the things youd want but running a fabric server that cant run plugins :hmm: and no problem for the Un necessary clarification you cant bother to put in yourself editing a message is too hard i guess what version are you running for mc
Tamz5d ago
next time dont be a smart ass to someone who gave 2 shits about your post
leonOP5d ago
Oh wow, the passive-aggressive essay was really necessary. You could’ve just shared the link without the attitude, but I guess that’s too hard, huh?
Tamz5d ago
you started it, i continued it. you can stop it whenever but too hard it seems. but ill be the bigger younger guy that decides to stop this needless shit posting enjoy the solution good luck
leonOP5d ago
Ah yes, because your initial condescending tone with the all-caps was totally friendly. But sure, keep playing the victim.
Tamz5d ago
the reason i write in caps is because they are key words that shouldnt be skimmed they dont have a yelling motion, nor anything angry to them if youd really want you can see that i do this often for certain posts to give clarifications and they left nice

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