Guide to Setting Up Server Plugins
Wondering if someone has a good process to configure many plugins. I've got some "default" plugins (EssentialsX and addons, Multiverse, LuckPerms, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, etc), but just that seems daunting going through settings for each plugin to make sure everything's correct such as permissions, especially when I don't know what's all available. I see LuckPerms has a web editor which will help, but any personal experience/advice might help too.
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Requested by loyal0713#0
Ummm yeah other than their documentation, there isn’t a “catch all” guide to setting up all those plugins. There are general guides out there that explain config files, .jars, etc. but none that would help you configure specific plugins like that. I would be down to hop in a discord call later if you want. I can easily help you set up luck perms
My friend @BooCat might be willing to help you with multiverse
As for the rest of them, read the documentation as much as you can and ask chatgpt lol
Appreciate the offer! I'm gonna try to handle it for now, I figured there wouldn't be a catch all. I think right now my process will be configure the permissions since I think that's priority, then configure the individual plugins does have some guides on plugins iirc
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First you should set up “groups” using /lp editor and then add permission nodes as needed to each group. You can give the groups weights to determine their importance. Don’t give anyone the asterisk permission node because it often conflicts with permissions that shouldn’t go together, unless youre sure they don’t. There’s a line in essentials config.yml I would recommend disabling that’s something like bukkit-commands-override or something like that. So essentials doesn’t block you from using Minecraft commands. Other than that, you should be good with reading docs and figuring out your exact settings