Luckperms not working
i currently have a fabric 1.18 serever with cyberperms and bssentials and i am wondering how i can allow users to be able to do certain commands like /tp or /home from bssentials. I have never used cyberperms before and i have no idea what im doing.
33 Replies
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by christal0611#0
You use luckperms instead.
how do i allow people to use /tp?
Giving them the permission node for it in your /tp plugin
i have tried doing /lp group default permission set true
Or the bukkit implemented minecraft.command.teleport permission
i am just trying to use the vanila tp command
Yeah, use minecraft.command.teleport
Not tp
so /lp group default permission set minecraft.command.teleport true should let all players use tp?
I believe so
it doesn't seem to be working for me
To trystill not working
means you need to complete the command
the commant works when im opped
yes with the three tildas
(i used /tp there)
still doesn't work with a complete command
@Señor Leche have you found anything yet that could fix my problem?
You haven't given any useful information on what is going on
Ah that one is on me, roles that i give perms to are unable to use those perms
For example when i went through the guide and gave the role admin permission to use the ban command i did it by the book, and i have myself that role and i still couldn’t use /ban without OP
Send an lp editor link and some server logs
sorry if this does take a minute editor link
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
I am still currently opening up minecraft so there will be a wait on those logs, sorry
Why do you need to open minecraft to get the logs
i need to open minecraft to be able to provide a log with useful information
Please use a paste service instead!
Paste services are more mobile friendly and easier to read than just posting a log file
Requested by christal0611#0
I didn't read at first that you're using fabric...
GitHub - lucko/minecraft-command-permissions-fabric: Registers vani...
Registers vanilla Minecraft commands in Fabric Permission API with structure "minecraft.command.<command>" - GitHub - lucko/minecraft-command-permissions-fabric: Reg...
Install this mod
i am now restarting the server
the version i installed does not seam to be compatible with 1.18 please hold
this was purely my fault
the server is now up and running with the correct version of minecraft-command-permissions
it seems like the admin group works now but not default
actually i fount the not so problem problem, i can teleport through the /teleport command but not through /tp
is there any way to change this because i would like people to be able to use their waypoints
i figured it out
thank you so much for your help