I don't really know what title to put for this one lol

Hey everyone! I have a question about creating a unique player experience on a Minecraft server. I'm looking for a way to make quests, mobs, and bosses feel individualized for each player. For example, if I defeat a boss or clear an area of mobs, it shouldn't affect another player's progress—they should still see their own mobs and boss fights. However, I want everyone to remain in the same world. Does anyone know what plugins or methods Wynncraft might be using to achieve this? Specifically, how do they make it so players can experience their own progress, mobs, and bosses independently while still being able to interact with others when needed? I would appreciate any insights or suggestions🫶 Edit: I heard from someone that by combining plugins like Citizens+ Quests, you can create quests that are specific to each player. (When a player completes a quest or kills mobs, the progress is recorded only for that player and does not affect others)
4 Replies
Cubicake5d ago
Wynncraft is custom coded
Tamz5d ago
i can’t even imagine how much $$$$$ wyncraft paid for their custom everything
Closest you can find is the Mythic plugin suite But yh, wynncraft is custom, they don’t actually use that Maybe you can achieve something similar by combining mythic, with quests and other rpg plugins
matijaproductionOP5d ago
Alright, thanks yall

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