Fabric Dev help
Hey, does anyone ever get
redacted\fabricproject\build\loom-cache\remapped_working\net_fabricmc_yarn_1_21_4_1_21_4_build_8_v2.net.fabricmc.fabric-api-fabric-api-0.114.2+1.21.4.jar: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
on gradle sync?
I've tried everything. Invalidating caches. changing fabric mc ver and api ver and loom ver. The list goes on.
Nothing in fabric modding discord helps.21 Replies
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Requested by skullians#0
Try closing your IDE and delete build folder manually
been there, done that
deleted .gradle (local and user wide), build folder
different gradle version
different java version too
Weird, does it appear only on the latest version?
all mc versions
I've tried everything. Invalidating caches. changing fabric mc ver and api ver and loom ver.
damn, where did you get fabric development package?
I've tried both the MC Development plugin (IntelliJ) and the example mod repo and the online generator.
Did you try investigate what is locking the file?
Yes, it looks like an idle java process
I get the same issue when killing the java process and attempting sync
it appears to be the idle gradle daemon
And let me guess, you already tried to switch between gradles, am I right?
"different gradle version" yep
Have you tried to build it without ide, like cli gradle commands?
Also there is a last resort thing if you are really desperate. Try to build it in WSL. Linux doesn't have issues with "files being locked by some stupid process" at all.
Intelij idea should have some kind of wsl support in it, like VS code does
tried both of them
even this?
It cannot be that the same "windows" error appear at linux
Also there is a feature in gradle that crates different threads to handle your gradle setup, maybe try and switch off it
actually yeah it's fine in WSL
I've already tried this
unsure if there's another settingwell, at least it works somewhere. Kinda weird way to make mods, but if there is nothing to do else, then why not
really weird, I have never encountered such an issue for 3 years plugin/mod development on windows.
it has only started recently
have you tried it on another windows machine or a virtual box?
maybe there is some junk happened to be somewhere in your C driver and it messes it all up.