Hi, i am trying to bind my serve rip to but it keeps going back to after a restart.
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Requested by slimste#0
dont change it
if its for securing a network use docker
and just bind it to
pterodactyl will do it for u
if u set port allocation on
keep it at
i have it at but my velocity proxy won't connect with my lobby
i am not securing my network but how do i bind it?
is velocity set to true in ur lobby
and is it offline mode
it has to for proxy
you usually don't touch ip in server properties
paper-global config is setup correctly on my lobby
The proxy online-mode is true
also if ur velocity using 25565 lobby server has to use 25566 for example
can u show me ur toml config
Lobby is 25566
the proxy is the default port
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Requested by slimste#0
ok so what error do u get when joining
is port 25566 set in ur lobby properties
and the network to
if set the lobby to the actual ip
and it connects now does not work because the pterodactyl for my lobby is set at my ip:25566
@ProGamingDK idk this one
ur using pterodactyl?
i have cosmicguard on my dedicated
then u need to setup firewall and use
i think the problem is they only have a selected vew
Minecraft | Pterodactyl
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
pterodactyl uses docker with isolated network
thanks! i understand the problem now.
Its my network protection only allowing my ip:port 25566-25580
so i will use my ip in the velocity.toml
due to hairpin nat
u cant
and docker isolated network
u cant use "your ip:25566"
it needs
to use
Okay, thats understandable but i added my ip in the toml and it works rn i am in the lobby and connected on the proxy
hm i see hairpin nat might not be a issue
i still recommend u to use
free added security*
I will surely take a look at that! But for now my friends can do some stuff and i will take a look at
Thanks alot!
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Requested by slimste#0