My server crashes after adding my custom music discs on my Aternos Server
I have a Cobblemon Server on Aternos (Version 1.6 1.21.1 Fabric) in which i made my own custom music disc Resource pack and Data pack. I added them both on Aternos as zip. When i joined my server and used the /reload command the reload my datapacks, my server crashed and i got this error message.
internal exception: io.netty.handler.codec.encoder exception: failed to encode packet clientbound/minecraft;custom_payload" <cobblemonproperties_completion_sync>
I also looked at my log from Aternos ans saw this. FYI my custom music pack works on my singleplayer file with the same exact mods. But when on multiplayer there seems to be a problem with Cobblemon itself? Does anyone know what the problemn could be?
23 Replies
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Requested by patesaus77#0
Yeah /reload does something else
It's generally very recommended against
Just configure your resourcepack in and then restart the server
Alright i'll take a look, i appreciate the help
For safety reasons we do not allow executables to be sent as they might contain malware. If you're compiling for someone please DM them and as a reminder. We cannot verify if a compiled jar has not been tampered in any way
So i've done some testing and the problem lies with another resourcepack on my Aternos server. It is the Radical Cobblemon Trainers RP. I can't hear my custom music once i insert the custom disc in the jukebox only when the RCT rp is selected as well. The interesting part is that this doesn't happen in singleplayer when i have selected both rp's
Servers can only serve one resourcepack at a time, unless you're using mods to change that. To send both resourcepacks, you need to merge them (merge the assets folder), zip it, and then serve that in
Fyi i'm using Aternos to host my server. I've tried to remove the Radical Trainers RP from my server and that seems to be the problem, do you recommend merging all of my resource packs in one big resource pack?
Yes. Servers can only send one resourcepack to the cliet without mods changing that, so you need to merge them to send them all
Do you recommend me manually merging my resource packs, or is there an automatic tool which can do it for me?
Could you possibly help me merging the two resource packs which are causing the issue, because when i try to do it, i can't hear the music after inserting it to my music disc.
Im curious what music is it
Its a custom music disc resource pack
I also have a datapack for it, but that's not where the problem lies
Was more what songs it was, yeah unrelated was just curious, should be careful with distributed copyrighted songs/music
Ahh i see it's mostly Pokémon ost, so not sure if i can share it
Private server probably fine just be careful
I've made the server for just me and a couple of friends, so i think i should be fine
I think there is some trouble with merging between my custom music resource pack and the Raddical Trainer resource pack. When i try merging them together, i can't hear the music from the jukebox? Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Typically when you're replacing music disc songs they have to be in the .ogg format. Are you converting them?
yes they're in OGG format formatted by audacity and on mono
I can't help you much more unless I have the resourcepack(s). There's probably a merger online somewhere
Here's the merged resource pack:
Google Docs
Here's also the datapack for some extra information: