luckperms help
i have another question about luckperms
how do i set like they can only use a command a certain amount of times. for example i only want them to use the sethome command 1 time
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Requested by notboocat#0
that isnt possible with just luckperms
u need something else
you could limit homes
and disallow delhome
what else migh i need
I think essential can do that
You can put delay between command so if you put 3 years...
Btw what if they mess up and need to move that one home
they remove it and do it agian
like they can only have 1 home
They can only have one by default
i was saying that as an example
for my server i only want peole to have 8 warps
but if they remove one warp they can use it agian
So u want them to have homes or warps
Warps isn't a good idea
8 homes is easy
Because the user needs specific perms to use a specific warp
And they are "public"
Use homes
thats the point its ment to be public
and specific perms?
Sethomes isn't warps
They are fully different
i know
i am aware of that
U need essentials.warp.(name)
(im not trying to sound rude
Although there is a wildcard for it iirc
But I recommend just using a plugin like playerwarps
It's made for this
i was able to set perms for warps in lp with out he (name)
ok coool
Ah it's a config option to enable that mb
Still player warps will probably work just fine for u
ok col thanks man xD