Is my server using reasonable amounts of memory, or is something wrong?

I'm hosting a modded server for some friends (1.19.2, Forge, ~60 mods including libraries and very small QOL stuff, ~15 "big" mods). Currently, the server uses 4 - 5 GB of memory if nobody is online, and 7 - 8 GB if one to four people are online. Since my server only has 8GB of RAM, this leads to frequent crashes. Is this amount of memory usage reasonable for such a server, or should I start looking for a problem like a memory leak caused by some mod?
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ProGamingDk2y ago
are you using a host?
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Yes, Witherhosting
TheCubeN00B2y ago
Try using aikars flags (, this doesn’t seem like normal behaviour. If this doesn’t rectify it, try contacting their support Try remove mods to see if any of them is causing the problem as well
ProGamingDk2y ago
aikar flags dont help much if anything on forge tbh if u have aikar flags remove alwayspretouch and get xmx set to 6.5-7 gb
QarthO2y ago
Tbh regarding flags for forge.., I’d try to find a big modpack with similar mods as yours and just copy the flags they use
TheCubeN00B2y ago
And I’ve learnt something new!
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Sorry for the dumb question - but in which subfolder/file can I find the flags? 🤔
QarthO2y ago
The flags are options u use when starting the server They are located in ur .sh or .bat file u run when starting For example ur server is using 8gb so u prob have the -xmx8000m flag But there’s a lot more flags u can use to tweak how Java and the garbage collector works so it’s optimized for Minecraft
QarthO2y ago
Aikar's Flags | PaperMC Documentation
Aikar's flags are a set of JVM flags designed to improve the performance of your Paper server.
QarthO2y ago
These are the standard with explanations for non forge Forge is a little different, but u mostly use the same ones
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Found it, thanks! Is there any particular reason to not use alwayspretouch? I looked at some modpacks and they use that it, and the consensus in online forums seems to be that you should use alwayspretouch if your heap is "large" (whatever that precisely means, but 8gb feels large to me).
QarthO2y ago
How much ram do u have outside of 8gb on ur machine
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
None 😄
QarthO2y ago
Yeah that’s your issue You need overhead Your machine has other stuff it needs to do And if u give it all to Minecraft It will boom That’s why ur crashing Notice how he said set it to 6-7gb Because u wanna leave extra for the machine The extra we call overhead
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Yes, I know that - but since I was running the server with a hosting company and the startup arguments default was set to 8gb, I assumed that the overhead for the "other stuff" was already accounted for by the provider 🤔
QarthO2y ago
Oh well some hosts are shit and don’t do overhead You should ask them What host are you using? Some peeps mite already know if they do overhead if it’s a common host
ProGamingDk2y ago
causes some issues on pterodactyl
QarthO2y ago
Short explanation is the boot up process of the the Jvm takes the most memory ontop of what ur allocating. Ptero is in a container so ur only giving it the bare minimum ram for the. When h pretouch ur forcing the full ram early on when ur also using all ur overhead, so u insta hit the memory cap and ptero or Linux will shut down the server for being oom (out of memory ) But if ur in a container u don’t need to worry about pretouching because nothing else will be feeding into ur ram usage
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Thanks for the explanations! Witherhosting, I asked the support but didn't get an answer yet I changed some of the startup flags which improved everything by a little bit, and the server now runs stable at ~3-5 GB memory usage - however, something (I don't know what yet) still triggers the memory usage to skyrocket and causes a crash from time to time, so I guess it is basically confirmed that something causes a memory leak, and I'll have to try and find that something 😦 Thanks everyone for the help, I'll leave the question open for 20 more minutes in case someone still wants to tell me about something, then I'll close it ^^
ProGamingDk2y ago
nope very likely not a memory leak skyrocketing/memory usage going up is a normal thing on pterodactyl/docker
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Well, then I am completely confused on what to do now O.o
ProGamingDk2y ago
well remove alwayspretouch and reduce xmx
AuswahlaxiomOP2y ago
Already did that and it crashed once afterwards, but it has been running consistently afterwards for a while now - I'll guess I just close this question and start a new one if the issues don't stop !close
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