Modded Server Network

Hello I need some help by creating a Server Network. I want a Vanilla server thats the fallback Server from the modded Server. From That Server I want to connect to the other modded Mohist Server. Is this in any way possible?
37 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta14mo ago
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Requested by schrobsy#0
AeonRemnant14mo ago
Firstly first don’t use Mohist at all. Secondly second why are you using Mohist? Mind providing a little more context on your server env?
SchrobsyOP14mo ago
I want to use Plugins on a mod Server thats why i‘am using mohist
ProGamingDk14mo ago
Carl-bot14mo ago
Please Avoid Hybrid Servers
Please avoid using server software that combines both mod and plugin APIs, such as Mohist, Magma, Cauldron, Thermos, CatServer, Cardboard, and others. These server software clash, as Bukkit was made for plugins and Forge for mods. Mixing them requires significant changes to the Bukkit API and Forge server code. If not done correctly, both plugins and mods can act strangely. Using these will almost guaranteed cause strange issues that make it near-impossible to assist. If you are running 1.8 or 1.16.5, a good alternative to these is SpongeForge, a well-engineered solution that allows running Sponge plugins alongside Forge mods. Many Bukkit plugins also have Sponge ports. Further reading: - - <
Admincraft Canned Responses
ProGamingDk14mo ago
SchrobsyOP14mo ago
Ok xd Ok but is it possible with a Forge Server?
SchrobsyOP14mo ago
Oh true sorry
Discount Milk
Discount Milk14mo ago
Literally this same conversation :OMEGALUL:
SchrobsyOP14mo ago
Yeah i forgot
ProGamingDk14mo ago
although with changes nowadays there are plugins to allow velocity to support newer versions of forge (requires a mod for forge)
SchrobsyOP14mo ago
Uh nice thanks
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
Hi, although already mostly answered, i'm still interested on this topic, jut want to make things clear as i'm still new on proxy/network making. Correct me if i'm wrong on any of the following statements -To my understanding Magma/Mohist are not viable options. -In order to add a server to a proxy/network you need some sort of spigot/paper server, so just plain forge is not an option, nor is spongeforge. How have many server been able to make this work anyways, as iv'e personaly seen a couple having pixelmon servers linked to big networks. Example: "" Regarding to the Pixelmon View Topic: It's only talking about Magma, are there any other viable possible options? Any info is apreaciated, thanks.
AeonRemnant13mo ago
1. Yes, fuck Mohist and other things like it. The only 'acceptable' hybrid is Arclight and that has problems. 2. You can use Forge. Install a proxy like Velocity and it can connect to Forge natively in newer versions, iirc. 3. Few. Modded server networks are hard to make work for a number of reasons, not the least is the difficulty in dispersing a modpack. 4. What do you want Magma to do?
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
My personal situation is that it is a private server and I don't really need all this, but I simply want to make a server that is as comfortable as possible for my friends who have an attention rating of 0, if there is any possibility of doing it, I would like to try it. Now, what I want to make is a server with several modalities: survival, creative, pixelmon... etc. I already have everything done personally, but when I get to the forge server, it gives me a chain of infinite problems, when I solve one problem another appears, and the solutions on the internet have a limit, that's why I wanted to know if someone personally knew how to do it to recreate it. I started with bungeecord but failed, I've been struggling a bit with velocity, but i think is the right way to solve my problems I just want a pixelmon server in 1.16.5 to work on my network server.
AeonRemnant13mo ago
If you want it to just work then check out Ambassador, this is a nice little Velocity plugin to make Forge work with forwarding.
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
Thank you so much, I'll try tomorrow.
AeonRemnant13mo ago
Feel free to ping me if you need more help.
ProGamingDk13mo ago
no newer forge versions need ambassador on the proxy and a mod on the backend
AeonRemnant13mo ago
Well shit I'm corrected lmao. Good spot.
ProGamingDk13mo ago
kek my scuffed network uses bungee forge (legacy) forwarding for maximum scuffness
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
Update, i managed to get a forge server working in Velocity, managed to join through another server with Via backwards/Via version. Things changed when i installed pixelmon mod on the server giving me the following error while trying to join: [Netty Server IO #6/ERROR] []: Channels [tcg:main,pixelmon:main] rejected vanilla connections [Netty Server IO #6/INFO] []: Disconnecting VANILLA connection attempt: This server has mods that require Forge to be installed on the client. Contact your server admin for more details. Both client and server have the same version of forge and pixelmon installed. I tryed closing Velocity and joining directly to the server, giving me no problems at all. So i know forge with velocity is working, i know the server with mods is working, but when i do them both it spits that message. Any ideas? .
ProGamingDk13mo ago
have you set ping pass-through to mods? And set it to announce forge Also do you have pixelmon on your client
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
Yes to all 3 of them
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta13mo ago
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Requested by albinocanario#0
ProGamingDk13mo ago
Should we authenticate players with Mojang? By default, this is on. online-mode = false !offline
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
It's a private server, most of the users dont have a game copy
ProGamingDk13mo ago
we dont help offline-mode servers
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
There, fixed, same problem is encountered
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta13mo ago
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Requested by albinocanario#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk13mo ago
Man trying to pull a fast one. "don't worry I changed setting to true I promise I won't change back after you fix my problem" 🤞
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
As i said before: If there is any possibility of doing it, I would like to try it. I personally already have the game bought, and if i have to spend 360 € in game copies i woudnt mind doing so. I mainly thought the online mode was the problem, that's why i changed it, feel free to don't believe me, i'm just trying to get some help.
Torrent13mo ago
“Most of my users don’t have a game copy” “I changed it to offline-mode to try to fix my problem” So are you supporting piracy or trying to troubleshoot an issue? Story doesn’t add up. You’re running a cracked server.
Albino Canario
Albino Canario13mo ago
That's enough guys, i came here to fix a problem not to have a pointless discussion, i'm fine with you not supporting piracy, already said it's fine if you don't trust me, if you are not willing to help just don't do it, i don't wanna create a hole debate over me.

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