Convert a Pocketmine 3.0 world to a java world?

I have apocketmine 3.0 world from a minecraft bedrock server i used to have. any way i can convert it to java? I now know chunker can convert bedrock to java, but pocketmine has a different world format from bedrock so i'd probably have to convert the pocketmine world to bedrock first then toi java (or is there any tool that can do it instantly ?) thanks (if it matters - the world folder i have has a "level.dat" file in it and a folder "region" with some .mca files)
4 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta6mo ago
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Requested by thespygorillas#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk6mo ago
Did you try chunker app?
TheSpyGorillasOP6mo ago
yea seems to work the world is a bit broken with the blocks being replaced in some places but its fine . Thanks!! !answered
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta6mo ago
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