114 Replies
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by eternalthegod#0
what's the contents of your start.sh
Wait a second, the remote desktop glitched out
I'll send in a second
but you can see in the terminal aswell
Send the entire contents of the start.sh
Not a screenshot of what it says in term
Where did you get this from?
Just do
note: do you have java installed?
Ya I do
try this, without that auto restart mess baked in
Does nothing
"Run as a program"
Where did you get the server.jar from?
And is the jar file marked as executable?
oh, it's not
That'll cause problems
I never used a OS other than windows (didn't have the chance to)
No worries
Easy thing to miss
first experience, ngl
the remote desktop is slower than my grandma
You can do it through SSH, instead of remote desktop.
Remote desktop is booty cheeks.
You can use these steps to get the entire server setup, just skip the "setup your oracle account" part.
Deploying in Oracle Cloud | setup.md
A modified version of the guide produced by u/Belaboy1095969 on the Admincraft reddit using Ubuntu LTS.
I know right
it was such a pain thru that
at least with the remote desktop I can see what's what
You're doing the same thing you would be doing, just slower
well, true
what was the line to execute sh file again?
Quite literally
sh </path/file.sh>
sh start.sh
from the desktop folder. I'd recommend the server not run from desktop though. Should be ran using an account that doesn't have root access
You're already on the desktopOh
So just do
ls returns all directories
Alright, do
Show me resultit's at
Alright do
cd Desktop
dir Desktop
Now screen start.sh
Now that's confusing
"no file found"
Show results?I'm doing the same command now
Include where you saw this?
after the screen command
Might need to do .\start.sh
No difference
What's the contents of start.sh?
can you vim/nano it and show me?
The command you told me to replace the existing one with. Very long but with nano I can show some of the content at once
All in 1 line
Try following the guide from the spot I linked :NODDERS:
Apologies I need to take a leave and I know you're looking for a more instant answer
it's all good
scripts are run with ./
The server is finally up.
How can I get a new user to avoid this "root access" threat though?
How to Create Users in Linux (useradd Command)
In Linux, you can create a user account and assign the user to different groups using the useradd command.
okay, I switched to a new
user to remove the root access error but I can't run the jar nowno flags, nothing.
"permission denied"
yeah I saw that
ur user doesnt have access to the folder.
Linux Chown Command Help and Examples
Linux chown command help and information with chown examples, syntax, related commands, and steps on how to use chown from the command line.
use chown to own the folder where the server is located
no idea on granting though. I used
sudo useradd -m minecraft
to createsudo chown minecraft:minecraft /home/minecraft/
or just minecraft
my english isn't enough for that :4338cryingsad:
dont include it
or am I causing you a headachejust minecraft
sudo chown minecraft /home/minecraft/
I'd like your approval
I don't wanna reinstall 😂
@ProGamingDKlooks fine
Still the same.
Please check your server log for errors from your plugins.
If you need further help understanding the errors, please send us the whole log file.
Where can I find the server log?
Logs are stored in
. Search for a file explorer in your server's management interface and navigate to that directory. Once you've opened that up, search for the latest.log
file. Some providers have a separate page for logs and may hide the "logs" folder.
On Aternos:
• Go to https://aternos.org/log/.
On Minehut and server.pro:
• Go to the "files" tab in the left menu.
• Navigate to the root directory of your server.
• From there navigate to /logs/latest.log
What should I do with the log?
• First of all, read it! I mean, that's what you do all the time when you run a server, isn't it? Try to locate any errors that have anything to do with the issue you are facing.
• If you got the latest.log
file or created a .txt
file with the necessary errors you can upload these directly to the channel, but we prefer if you upload them to https://mclo.gs/.
• If you have trouble downloading the log file, copy/paste the text to a paste service (like mclogs). Copy the link that it gives you and send it to us. (Don't worry, McLogs hides your users' IPs.)Admincraft Canned Responses
There are no plugins
I can't start the server
there should still be a latest.log
i cant use that
upload latest.log or full console to mclo.gs
I don't think I can download the content of latest.log
using ssh
u can
u can just sftp it
it's the same error as before
or use bashupload
sftp what?
there's no ftp set-up
ssh does sftp
u dont need to set anything up
The log is from when I ran the server as root user
cant use that for anything i need the full error of when it doesnt work
this is latest.log
I can't start the server due to permission issue
should we wait for senor?
or full consolealso is ur server in the /home/minecraft folder oh i see the issue sudo chown -R minecraft /home/minecraft use this ^^
ya sure
it wasnt recursive
ya, works now
I'm thinking
do mind java 18 isnt recommended and u should probably use java 17
and how can I downgrade?
Ask Ubuntu
Switch between multiple java versions
While installing Android Studio on Ubuntu 14.04 I get the message that my Java version (javac 1.7.0_79) is causing problems. I found a solution of how to install a newer Oracle version of Java:
can't I just uninstall and install java?
did u press ctrl + c or similar?
also did u run it in a screen
not in a screen
I typed in the cmd aswell
run it in a screen
java -Xmx3G -Xms3G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -Dusing.aikars.flags=https://mcflags.emc.gs -Daikars.new.flags=true -XX:G1NewSizePercent=30 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8M -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 --add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-UseAESCTRIntrinsics -jar server.jar nogui
how's this meant to be a ran as a screen?
or run it in in a screenjust add screen before the command
I added a start.sh command, now this error keeps poppin up
You already have a server running.
you probably have a screen open that you forgot about
run screen -r to open the other screen