Resource Packs, Assets

If you have an assets file for MCPets and then buy another pack that comes with another assets folder... How do you combine them or what do you do to make sure everything is downloaded to anyone logging into the server?
144 Replies
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Admincraft Meta2mo ago
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
One resource pack is for pets and what not, and another is for spawning a bunch of wild birds. Does the resource pack need to be unzipped and have my point to an unzipped file at my DropBox link? Or does it stay zipped?
Torrent2mo ago
It has to stay zipped Take one pack, and add the assets to the other Then zip it and upload it, then update your link in (I recommend a GitHub repo so you never have to change the link)
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Ah ok, I'll give that a go and possibly try GitHub. Right now I'm using DropBox bc it is familiar but unsure if the link changes each time I replace the same file if the same name, I'll check that too I did attempt combining assets earlier and it broke everything. Is it possible to have incompatible ones? I noticed the resource pack put out by ModelEngine has a 13, but read that 1.21.3 is "22" in the resource mcmeta files, just unsure if that's true or the cause of some of the potential incompatibilities.
Torrent2mo ago
You can just as easily change the pack format number when you combine the pack
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Ah ok, thank you!
duolingo se acerca
Simplest way is to apply the rp using the resource-pack option in However, best way to handle this would be to use another plugin that manages the resourcepack for you, as it will allow to update it without much effort Since you’re using plugin from the mythic ecosystem you can use MythicCrucible Other good alternatives are Nexo and ItemsAdder Those plugin do more than just handling the resourcepack, so I can only recommend them if you need those features If you're going for the way, I highly encourage you to also update: * The resource-pack-sha1 option, as it will prevent players from re-downloading the same resourcepack if they already joined the server and have it in cache (if you update the resourcepack, you have to update this as well). You can use this site to calculate the sha1: * The resource-pack-prompt option, as it will show a custom message where you can inform your players to not reject the resource-pack. You can use this site to format your prompt: And if you want extra protection, you can check this project: Only use it if you understand what it does, you don't need to over-complicate yourself. This is only to show you the full picture This project will not prevent players from stealing assets, but will prevent the more inexperienced/casual resource stealers from doing so
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
What number do I change? How do I find it/ Ok, I got mythiccrucible, but when i installed it it throws a bunch of errors? It made a resource pack with nothing really in it... I set up the MythicMobs config-generation.yml (which was created after installing MythicCrucible) to point to a Dropbox location with the simple "". It is supposed to automatically create the resource pack and upload it (rather than me specifying it on, which I returned the resource pack section to default so that mythic crucible/mythic mobs could handle it). I'm excited that mythiccrucible takes the work out of it for me and automatically creates, uploads, and specifies the automatic download of the resource pack for players when they log into the server. The only problem is that unlike when I specified it in, it is not downloading automatically to people who visit the server. (so everything breaks). How do I fix this?
duolingo se acerca
MythicCrucible doesn’t upload to dropbox automatically. It supports uploading to an S3 AWS instance (requires aws knowledge) or self hosting, which means it will not upload it anywhere, the same server will host it To allow automatic sending you have to enable that option and place the ip, from the aws s3 or the mc server, depending on which one you’re using What errors does it throw? You can change that in the final zip by manually editing the file pack.mcmeta iirc Still not important tho, having that only makes the game to display the resourcepack with a red background in the selection menu. Which you will have regardless if you allow multiple versions to join using ViaVersion or similar plugins
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
I think I'd be fine with having it hosted on the server computer. I don't know how to do that.
duolingo se acerca
I'm on my pc rn, I'll share an example config of selfhost
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
What does the format # mean? Mine defaults to 13 for my resource packs. (I'll try to get on the server here in a bit, I'm in a work mtg atm, but it is almost over.)
duolingo se acerca
I think it went something like this, if it doesn't work, then PublicURL will need to be, replacing that ip with the one your server has
Enabled: true # Whether to enable automatic deployment
Type: SELFHOST # Can currently be SELFHOST or S3
Port: 8080
Key: pack
Bucket: packs
Endpoint: ''
AccessKey: ''
SecretKey: ''
AutoSend: # Automatically sending the pack to players
Enabled: true
SendOnUpdate: true
Force: true #Force players to accept the pack or be kicked
Prompt: "This server requires a resource pack to play!" #Prompt to send to players when being sent resource pack
Enabled: true # Whether to enable automatic deployment
Type: SELFHOST # Can currently be SELFHOST or S3
Port: 8080
Key: pack
Bucket: packs
Endpoint: ''
AccessKey: ''
SecretKey: ''
AutoSend: # Automatically sending the pack to players
Enabled: true
SendOnUpdate: true
Force: true #Force players to accept the pack or be kicked
Prompt: "This server requires a resource pack to play!" #Prompt to send to players when being sent resource pack
Torrent2mo ago
the pack format number is basically the protocol of the Minecraft version the pack is meant for
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
I read that 1.21.3 is "22" but that doesn't work.
Torrent2mo ago
then your pack is borked
duolingo se acerca
Minecraft Wiki
Pack format
Pack format, sometimes referred to as pack version, is a number used in pack.mcmeta to describe what Java Edition versions a resource pack or data pack is compatible with. Each version specifies the pack formats it supports in its version.json.
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Oh it's 57!
duolingo se acerca
Doesn't affect anything, so don't worry It will only make your resourcepack look with this red background in the in-game menu
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duolingo se acerca
Newer features, like component-based armor textures won't work on older versions Not because of the pack format, just because those didn't existed at the time
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Oh ok, I've seen that before when I manually loaded one (though it resulted in a lot of horse armor heh) So do I stick with 13?
duolingo se acerca
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Even though it's not listed on the site above?
duolingo se acerca
yup If you intent to allow multiple versions in your server, everyone will have that red background regardless of which number you use
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Ok, 13 is what it automatically lists so I don't need to do anythingn else with the mcmenta file like renmaig the "resource pack name or whatever" in quotes
duolingo se acerca
You can rename the text on mcmeta so it doesn't say "MythicCrucible Generated Resource Pack" like my screenshot, but it means manual work I suggested to add a feature to allow automatic text and image customization, but they haven't implemented it yet
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Ok, the text I have in mine now matches up. I'm not sure what port to use. I put the port that's on the server IP I give to others to access the server.
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Admincraft Meta2mo ago
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
But I get repeated errors...
duolingo se acerca
Wont work with the same port You have to use any other port Are you using a hosting service or is it your pc? Are you using latest versions of both mythic mobs and crucible?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Mythic Mobs 5.8.0 Snapshot Mythic Curcible 2.1.0 Model Engine 4.0.8 Mc Pets 4.1.4
duolingo se acerca
Use latest dev builds Crucible is on 2.2.0 in dev builds Do the same for both mobs and model engine
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
ok i'll donwload it now ok isn't that hte late mythic mobs?
duolingo se acerca
It is apparently, but I’m not sure if it is the latest dev build, better be safe What version the server is?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
1.21.3 paper java
duolingo se acerca
Yup, definitely use dev builds, crucible 2.1 doesn’t support 1.21.3
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
So don't us mythic crucbile 2.2.0 snapshot? or yes? i updatede verything so if i've set my config-generation file up here
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
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Requested by iamcooley
duolingo se acerca
Yes, update it to 2.2.0 snapshot for 1.21.3 I'll send you mine, as there has been some changes
# Generation Configuration Options
# More information about Mythic pack generation features can be found here:

# General Generator Options
Namespace: mythic # Namespace to save everything under
GenerateOnStartup: true # If the pack should auto-generate on server startup
MergeModelEngine: true # Whether to merge ModelEngine files if available
MergeHappyHUD: true # Whether to merge HappyHUD files if available
MergeMythicHUD: true
MergeEmojy: false # Whether to merge Emojy files if available
ZipPack: true # Whether to zip the pack after completion. Required for deployment.
LegacyNoteblocksSupport: false # Supports noteblocks id from Oraxen. Disabling it will allow to use the harp instrument and increasing the limit of 800 maximum blocks to 1150

# Automatic Deployment Options
# - Used to automatically deploy the pack to an end-point once it's generated
Enabled: false # Whether to enable automatic deployment
Type: SELFHOST # Can currently be SELFHOST or S3
Port: 8080
Key: pack
Bucket: packs
Endpoint: ''
AccessKey: ''
SecretKey: ''
AutoSend: # Automatically sending the pack to players
Enabled: false
SendOnUpdate: false
Force: false #Force players to accept the pack or be kicked
Prompt: "This server requires a resource pack to play!" #Prompt to send to players when being sent resource pack

# Custom Armor Generation Settings
# - These settings affect custom armor generation.
DefaultMethod: VANILLA
GenerateOptifineFiles: true
Enabled: false
GenerateDataPack: true
HideBaseArmor: []
ConvertBaseArmor: false
Enabled: false
Shader: lessfancypants

# Font Image Generation Settings
StartingCharacter: "\u5001"
# Generation Configuration Options
# More information about Mythic pack generation features can be found here:

# General Generator Options
Namespace: mythic # Namespace to save everything under
GenerateOnStartup: true # If the pack should auto-generate on server startup
MergeModelEngine: true # Whether to merge ModelEngine files if available
MergeHappyHUD: true # Whether to merge HappyHUD files if available
MergeMythicHUD: true
MergeEmojy: false # Whether to merge Emojy files if available
ZipPack: true # Whether to zip the pack after completion. Required for deployment.
LegacyNoteblocksSupport: false # Supports noteblocks id from Oraxen. Disabling it will allow to use the harp instrument and increasing the limit of 800 maximum blocks to 1150

# Automatic Deployment Options
# - Used to automatically deploy the pack to an end-point once it's generated
Enabled: false # Whether to enable automatic deployment
Type: SELFHOST # Can currently be SELFHOST or S3
Port: 8080
Key: pack
Bucket: packs
Endpoint: ''
AccessKey: ''
SecretKey: ''
AutoSend: # Automatically sending the pack to players
Enabled: false
SendOnUpdate: false
Force: false #Force players to accept the pack or be kicked
Prompt: "This server requires a resource pack to play!" #Prompt to send to players when being sent resource pack

# Custom Armor Generation Settings
# - These settings affect custom armor generation.
DefaultMethod: VANILLA
GenerateOptifineFiles: true
Enabled: false
GenerateDataPack: true
HideBaseArmor: []
ConvertBaseArmor: false
Enabled: false
Shader: lessfancypants

# Font Image Generation Settings
StartingCharacter: "\u5001"
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
and i'm running MC pets 4.1.4, model engine 4.0.8, mythicc crucible 2.2.0 snapshot, mythic mobs 5.8.0 snapshot, pack events 2.7.0 I do see some differences. I updated mine to reflect yours, but with hopefully the right ip
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
how come you don't want to autosend or send on update?
duolingo se acerca
wdym the plugins updating themselves? Oh forget it I'm handling the resourcepack myself with a custom plugin
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
? so do i put true for those do i have the right url?
duolingo se acerca
So I have it disabled in mythiccrucible so my plugin takes care of it, that's why I don't have send-update I would remove the [] You enable AutoSend and SendOnUpdate, true on those I have those on false only because I have another stuff to handle it
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
ah ok. i enabled it all and it said downloading resource pack 1 of 1 and it did not say 100% or fail, ist just went away and still no textures on stuff oh there was a delay, it just said failed to download at least it tried this time
duolingo se acerca
Have something when you click on here?
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
nothing in that folder
duolingo se acerca
Right, this is an error they're trying to patch Open ModelEngine/config.yml
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
duolingo se acerca
Set this to false
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
ok did that still have horse armor but there's a delay b/c it hasn't said it ucceeded or failed in loading the resource pack
duolingo se acerca
Try reloading model engine, mythicmobs and crucible or straight up start the server again
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
i did, same error 😦 so there should be something in the resource pack folder when i open it ?
duolingo se acerca
should be, try opening it
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
there's nothing there
duolingo se acerca
any errors in console btw?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
not any unusual ones it looks like mythicmobs generated the resource pack, it just doesn't go anywhere
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
i think everything is ok there too, i took out the dropbox link so i could let the generation.config file handle it
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
We have uploaded your file to a paste service for better readability
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Requested by iamcooley
duolingo se acerca
This zip in MythicMobs/generation/ is empty, right?
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Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
For safety reasons we do not allow executables to be sent as they might contain malware. If you're compiling for someone please DM them and as a reminder. We cannot verify if a compiled jar has not been tampered in any way
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Oh ok thank you. Didn't realize that.
duolingo se acerca
yh, files are prohibited, some users send malware
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Oh that's really awful of them
duolingo se acerca
servers can get backdoored and completely griefed or worst anyways, this zip is empty, right? according to the console output you sent, model engine is generating the assets, and crucible is packing them
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
it has pack.png, pack.mcmeta, and assets
duolingo se acerca
Inside assets, you should have minecraft, modelengine and mythic
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
actually it may be a bunch of empty folders except a block.json i've found thus far so the crucible one is emptt
duolingo se acerca
MythicCrucible/ folder is just to cache it will be empty most of the time Check the one in MythicMobs/generation/
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
ok that's correct
duolingo se acerca
do you have these folders? except for lotus
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
i have minecraft, modelengine, and mythic oh and i have to manually add elitecreatures, which has been giving me all sorts of issues and i have no idea why their stuff wont generate
duolingo se acerca
can't help you with elite creatures, I don't have experience with it sadly
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
(it's just supposed to have their sound file)
duolingo se acerca
let's try making model engine and crucible work first
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
they created a workign resource file yesterday but i can't update it, add new mcpets or do anything without everything breaking, but yes, that's a separate issue
duolingo se acerca
I usually limit myself to a single ecosystem to avoid these issues, part of the reason I never touched elitecreatures, I do most of the job using mythic
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
oooh i may have learned an expensive lesson i thought this stuff just all worked together but if we take the birds out of it... (i bought elitecreature birds)
duolingo se acerca
I bought these for model engine
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duolingo se acerca
While plugins are meant to "just work" with everything, those are still made by different people, with different ideas and experience, one change in one plugin can break another. I stick with a single dev team (mythic in my case) for my core plugins, so I don't have compatibility issues, as those plugins are meant to work with each other Still, my other plugins are from different teams regardless, for example, Mythic doesn't develop anticheats, so I that's something I have to look in another team Same for chat/tablist/scoreboard formatters Those are not "core" plugins, so there's not much issue
duolingo se acerca
Back to the topic, those folders contain resources, right? Inside assets/modelengine/models you should be able to find sub-folders containing all your assets. If there are, then the problem might not be on crucible
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
I got the pigeons too, I like them (scenes?)
duolingo se acerca
yup, scenes
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Then I bought the birds elitecreatures pack and ran into issues.
duolingo se acerca
you can ask the asset vendor for support in those cases
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
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duolingo se acerca
you might want to fix this issue first, since they might put modelengine at fault
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
i was thinking of gettting butterflies too but i've spent like $100 on minecraft this month just trying to get mys erver runniiing and interesting
duolingo se acerca
Let's try something. Disable auto send And copy the to your game resourcepack folder, like when you add a new resourcepack to the game
duolingo se acerca
Load it manually, I have this one manually loaded for example
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Ok autosend set to false ok pack is in folder
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
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duolingo se acerca
yup, enable it and see if you are able to see your mobs now
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
aw don't see my pigeon spanws were is et them up
duolingo se acerca
using worldguard?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
yep and lol hardly know how to set that up either. i managed to craete a shop i think, and a spawn area where mobs can't injure people
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
they just walk all over the plac (between the pillars) but my gift pet is working!
duolingo se acerca
I also had a problem with worldguard and asked Caz (the guy who made the pigeons) about it, we ended up finding a solution enable mob spawns but denying everyhing but pigs, wolves, cats and parrots
/rg flag <region> mob-spawning allow
/rg flag <region> mob-spawning allow
/rg flag <region> deny-spawn bat,bee,cave_spider,chicken,cod,cow,creeper,dolphin,donkey,drowned,elder_guardian,enderman,endermite,evoker,fox,frog,ghast,glow_squid,goat,guardian,horse,hoglin,husk,iron_golem,llama,mooshroom,mule,panda,phantom,piglin,piglin_brute,pillager,polar_bear,pufferfish,rabbit,ravager,salmon,sheep,shulker,silverfish,skeleton,skeleton_horse,slime,snow_golem,spider,squid,stray,strider,tadpole,trader_llama,tropical_fish,turtle,vex,villager,vindicator,wandering_trader,witch,wither_skeleton,zoglin,zombie,zombie_horse,zombie_villager,zombified_piglin
/rg flag <region> deny-spawn bat,bee,cave_spider,chicken,cod,cow,creeper,dolphin,donkey,drowned,elder_guardian,enderman,endermite,evoker,fox,frog,ghast,glow_squid,goat,guardian,horse,hoglin,husk,iron_golem,llama,mooshroom,mule,panda,phantom,piglin,piglin_brute,pillager,polar_bear,pufferfish,rabbit,ravager,salmon,sheep,shulker,silverfish,skeleton,skeleton_horse,slime,snow_golem,spider,squid,stray,strider,tadpole,trader_llama,tropical_fish,turtle,vex,villager,vindicator,wandering_trader,witch,wither_skeleton,zoglin,zombie,zombie_horse,zombie_villager,zombified_piglin
Nice! This means the problem is in the auto-send, the resourcepack is ok
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
I talked with him a little and he was VERY nice ah ok, do i put that in my world guard region for spawn?
duolingo se acerca
yup some advice make the world day then enable mob-spawning (you can use that command or the worldguard gui, should be at page 3)
duolingo se acerca
The last command you might want to execute it from the console, it won't fit in the ingame chatbox
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Is this correct?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
oooh it doesn't go in the region config file
duolingo se acerca
nono, that's a command you execute it either in-game or in the console the second one doesn't fit in-game, so you have to do it on the console
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
it asks for world, where do i put world in that code?
duolingo se acerca
right, I forgot abt that give me a min
rg flag spawn_1 -w world deny-spawn bat,bee,cave_spider,chicken,creeper,dolphin,donkey,drowned,elder_guardian,enderman,endermite,evoker,fox,frog,ghast,glow_squid,goat,guardian,horse,hoglin,husk,iron_golem,llama,mooshroom,mule,panda,phantom,piglin,piglin_brute,pillager,polar_bear,rabbit,ravager,shulker,silverfish,skeleton,skeleton_horse,slime,snow_golem,spider,squid,stray,strider,tadpole,trader_llama,tropical_fish,turtle,vex,villager,vindicator,wandering_trader,witch,wither_skeleton,zoglin,zombie,zombie_horse,zombie_villager,zombified_piglin
rg flag spawn_1 -w world deny-spawn bat,bee,cave_spider,chicken,creeper,dolphin,donkey,drowned,elder_guardian,enderman,endermite,evoker,fox,frog,ghast,glow_squid,goat,guardian,horse,hoglin,husk,iron_golem,llama,mooshroom,mule,panda,phantom,piglin,piglin_brute,pillager,polar_bear,rabbit,ravager,shulker,silverfish,skeleton,skeleton_horse,slime,snow_golem,spider,squid,stray,strider,tadpole,trader_llama,tropical_fish,turtle,vex,villager,vindicator,wandering_trader,witch,wither_skeleton,zoglin,zombie,zombie_horse,zombie_villager,zombified_piglin
This is exactly what I executed My region is spawn_1, change it to yours And world change it to whatever your world is called
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
mine is CooleyCraft_Spawn, but it wants me to specify what world that region is in oooh it's at the beginning
duolingo se acerca
yup, you hae to specify the region
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
I didn't know what the -w meant got it sorry
duolingo se acerca
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
woo got it
duolingo se acerca
I should point out, that if you have grass blocks in your spawn, some pigs might spawn in there I don't mind, so I left it there If you do mind, you can execute this same command, adding "pig" And changing the pigeon mob file in MythicMobs from PIG to ARMOR_STAND To finish with this, are you hosting your server already? Or are you hosting it on your PC?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
oh boy, mcpets blew up
duolingo se acerca
If you're hosting it outside your pc, you have to request a port to your hosting provider and use that port in the config-generation.yml
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
but i got my pigeons back 😄 oh i have a port forwarding set up
duolingo se acerca
might have something to do with that
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
oh lawd, took me a bit to figure that out, i'll tell you what i know :b
duolingo se acerca
resourcepack usually doesn't load if the port is closed or forwarding is not properly configured if it's on your pc, use instead PublicURL: like this, without the [ ]
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
wouldn't forwarding be ok...because people are able to get online and play the server?
duolingo se acerca
Did you do forwarding just for 25565 or did you also do it for 26652?
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
i sent a screenshot of it ..
duolingo se acerca
So, both are fine… Can you open that url using google? The one for the resourcepack using 26652 It should immediately download the resourcepack zip
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
let me try ooh server crashed checking the link now no this? I don't think it works.... Oh there's another Port that it uses is it one of the other ones that's in that screenshot I sent? So I'm wondering if it would be best that Mythic crucible helps create the resource pack and then I go back to uploading the resource pack to Dropbox and taking server properties to point at the download because when I did that at least it was downloading I know that the port forwarding is working otherwise because it's what allowing people to play on the server As for how to combine resource packs that seem incompatible like the elite creatures which I paid too much money for and can't get to work I'm not sure
duolingo se acerca
This would only work if the server was on your pc and not opened to public Yup, you have that alternative You should ask for support in elite creatures discord and the vendor who sold it to you Elite creatures is out of my knowledge, can’t help you there
iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Ah ok, the server is on my Apple here at home and I have a whitelist for the server so anyone anywhere can log in if they are whitelisted So can I rely on crucible to generate the resource pack? How is that different than when mythicmobs did it? They helped in that they created a pack for me, but as soon as I addLike additional nog pets or cubees anything to it, it breaks... What else can crucible do if it's not auto compiling resource packs? I paid $20 so it could do that 😦
duolingo se acerca
Well, I mentioned that I can only recommend it if you needed the rest of the features of any of those alternatives But Crucible does actually quite a lot of stuff You can create custom weapons, with custom textures or 3D models and give them skills from mythic mobs I have some bosses, so I usually make a weapon that they can drop and copy one of the boss skills to make it the main weapon skill You can also create custom blocks and even ores that appear around the world Custom armors that can also have mythic skills I’ll share some screenshots of what I have with crucible when I go back to my pc
duolingo se acerca
Custom armors
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duolingo se acerca
Custom weapon (3D model)
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duolingo se acerca
Custom weapon (texture)
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duolingo se acerca
Custom blocks/ores
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duolingo se acerca
Almost forgot, crucible also allows emojis
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iamcooleyARTOP2mo ago
Oh emojis are fun! I like that it helps streamline mythicmobs The weapons were perry nifty too. Do those require merging resource packs each time you get one?
duolingo se acerca
Nop, you make them in crucible and the plugin will package them into the resourcepack

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